Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Contentful Place free essay sample

The room with two twin size beds, in a L molded development, was my familiar object. The toys were adjusted on a white rack, and Barbie dolls were pushed in a toy chest by the storeroom. The drawers were beautified in Lisa Frank or Disney stickers; a Rugrats clock on the divider never worked, or maybe I just didn’t realize how to read a clock yet. The front entryway had a taped Looney Toons estimating outline that halted at five feet. The smell of the sweet and zesty untainted aroma my mother would put on me each morning waited in the room. The evenings were the best piece of the day in that room. My more seasoned sister, who was my flat mate, would consistently attempt to sneak into my bed around evening time directly after our father had completed the process of perusing us a sleep time story and helping us discuss our daily supplications. We would simply stow away under my covers and chuckle, thinking our folks wouldn’t discover until the snickers became insane laughers. We will compose a custom exposition test on My Contentful Place or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At that point they’d come into the room chiding us to rest, which we did and I wouldremember longing for enchanted princesses and fantasies. As years passed, my sister and I became more established, yet still shared that equivalent room. The beds were one next to the other now, a TV was determined to top of the dresser with fixed stickers, cosmetics and styling hair items replaced Barbies. I grew an adoration for both perusing and diary sections in my bed and my sister developed into moving around the stay with tap shoes. In spite of the changes, it was as yet my familiar object. My sister would in any case sneak into my bed and our chuckles and discussions became stronger and more. At the point when our folks would discover, the chiding returned yet now with a laugh. My fantasies were as yet enchanted be that as it may, they were not, at this point about princesses heading off to the ball, they were currently about my objectives throughout everyday life, for example, what I need my profession to be and how might I influence the world in an unexpected way. At the point when I was fifteen I built up the adoration for verse and perusing from seeing my own American Literature educator communicating through it. I found being an English educator is the thing that I need to seek after. Ordinarily after this disclosure, I would get back home to my room and envision how I would make my study hall a protected space to dream in so my future understudies could have a similar inclination I feel when I’m in my room.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Employee Free Choice A?t Guid? f?r Beginners

Employee Free Choice A?t Guid? f?r Beginners “Wh?n I’m president, w? will have an Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? A?t, ?nd I will sign it and I will w?rk for it”. S?n. Hill?r? R?dh?m Clint?n, D?tr?it AFL-CIO T?wn H?ll (June 9, 2007) Th? r?l?ti?n?hi? between ?m?l???r ?nd ?m?l???? i? some w?rth unbalanced. Em?l???r? u?u?ll? ???m t? h?v? m?r? ??w?r.Th?? h?v? th? ?bilit? t? hir? ?nd fir? ?m?l?????. S?m?tim??, ?r r?th?r m??t tim??, th?? also have th? right to m?k? ???m?nt? to ?m?l????? ?ll within a limit?d ?x???ti?n im????d by legislation ?r ?ubli? ??li?? and im?li?d b? the ?m?l??m?nt contract.L?b?ur uni?n? redress this b?l?n??, or l??k ?f it b? ?ng?ging in collective bargaining ?nd organizing unit?d ??ti?n t? ?r?t??t w?rk?r?’ right? ?nd ???ur? high?r wages and ?th?r ??n??rn?.But now, th? fr??d?m t? f?rm a uni?n h?? b???m? a d?m??r?ti? right that is under attack. T?? many w?rk?r? ?r? prevented from fr??l? choosing to band t?g?th?r in a uni?n to b?rg?in ??ll??tiv?l? with their employer on w?rk?l??? i??u??.M?r? than h?lf ?f ?ll workers in th? Unit?d St?t?? say th?? would v?t? to j?in a uni?n if they ??uld, but uni?n membership in th? ?riv?t? ???t?r is l??? than 8 ??r??nt today-down fr?m ?n?-third ?f private ???t?r w?rk?r? in the middl? ?f th? 20th ??ntur?-b???u?? existing laws make f?rming a union a H?r?ul??n task th?t few w?nt t? und?rt?k?.Th? Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? Act is a ??n?ibl? reform th?t w?uld protect w?rk?r?’ right t? join together in uni?n? ?nd make it harder for m?n?g?m?nt t? thr??t?n w?rk?r? ???king to ?rg?niz? a uni?n, but ??n??rv?tiv?? ?r? w?ging w?r ?g?in?t th? bill.The Employee Fr?? Choice A?t w?uld r??t?r? b?l?n?? to the union ?l??ti?n ?r????? b? allowing workers the ?h?i?? t? ?rg?niz? a uni?n thr?ugh a ?im?l? m?j?rit? ?ign-u? ?r?????-? system th?t w?rk? well ?t th? ?m?ll numb?r of workplaces th?t choose to ??rmit it, r?i?ing ??n?lti?? wh?n th? l?w i? vi?l?t?d and ?r?m?ting productive fir?t ??ntr??t negotiations with a m?di?ti?n ?nd ?rbitr?ti?n ??ti?n.“T?d??, a m?j?rit? ?f th? S?n?t? stood up t ? make it easier f?r w?rk?r? t? j?in a union. A minority ?f ??n?t?r? ?h?w?d whi?h ?id? they ?r? ?n b? blocking th? bill t?d?? but th?? w?nt b? ?bl? to block it f?r?v?r. When Im ?r??id?nt, we will h?v? ?tr?ng, f?ir labor l?w?”. S?n. J?hn Edw?rd?, ?t?t?m?nt released to St?t?? N?w? S?rvi?? (Jun? 26, 2007)WHAT IS THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACTIn th? ?im?l??t ?f t?rm?, th? ??t i? basically t?lking ?b?ut giving ?m?l????? m?r? power ?nd ability to d??id? ??m? ?f th?ir faith. Th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t 2010 was a bill that was intr?du??d into b?th the House ?nd the S?n?t? ?f th? Unit?d St?t?? C?ngr??? ?n M?r?h 10, 2009.Th? point of th? bull was t? fix th? N?ti?n?l Labour R?l?ti?n? Act in order to create ?n ?ff??tiv? ???t?m t? ?ll?w ?m?l????? t? join, f?rm, ?r help l?b?r organizations, ?nd to ?ll?w f?r m?nd?t?r? ??n?ti?n? in r????n?? to unfair labor ?r??ti??? during ?ff?rt? t? ?rg?niz?, ?r other reasons.If the bill f?r th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t 2010 h?d ?????d, it w?uld h?v? ??rmitt?d a union to g?in a ??rtifi??ti?n ?? the ?uth?riz?d union to n?g?ti?t? with an ?m?l???r if th? uni?n ?ffi?i?l? gather ?ign?tur?? ?f the majority ?f th? w?rk?r?.Th? Em?l???? Fr?? Choice Act w?uld have r?m?v?d th? ?urr?nt right ?f th? employer to r??u??t a supplementary, di?tin?t b?ll?t wh?r? m?r? th?n h?lf ?fTh? AFL-CIO ?nd ?th?r leading unions b?li?v? that EFCA i? a necessary r?f?rm f?r thr?? reasons:The ?urr?nt process f?r f?rming uni?n? â€" NLRB elections â€" i? b?dl? br?k?n,Remedies f?r NLRA violations d? not adequately deter ?m?l???r unf?ir l?b?r practices, andEv?n if a uni?n win? recognition, the good faith b?rg?ining requirement i? not enough t? ?n?ur? a contract is ?r??t?d.Th? second im?li??ti?n ?f th? Employee Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t 2010 was that employers ?nd uni?n? w?uld be required t? g? int? binding ?rbitr?ti?n in ?rd?r to ?r?du?? a ??mbin?d ?gr??m?nt before 120 d??? ?ft?r a uni?n h?? gained.L??tl?, the Employee Fr?? Choice A?t w?uld have ?nl?rg?d th? penalties on ?m?l???r? who ?h?w di??rimin?ti?n against w?rk?r? th?t are involved in a uni?n.Wh?t are th? benefits of unions?Uni?n? r?i?? wages and b?n?fit? f?r th?ir m?mb?r?. When uni?n? ?r? ?tr?ng and able t? r??r???nt th? ????l? wh? w?nt t? j?in th?m, th??? g?in? spread thr?ugh?ut th? economy; n?n-uni?n companies in?r???? th?ir w?g?? and all w?rk?r? h?v? m?r? purchasing power, producing a “virtuous ?ir?l? ?f ?r????rit? ?nd j?b?,” according t? Univ?r?it? ?f C?lif?rni? ?t Berkeley Pr?f????r H?rl?? Sh?ik?n.Uni?niz?d workers also ?r?vid? a counterbalance on un?h??k?d CEO gr??d ?nd ?r?m?t? gr??t?r income equality. A Center f?r Am?ri??n Pr?gr??? r???rt found that strengthening uni?n? i? critical to r?du?ing ??v?rt? in th? Unit?d St?t??.Unions giv? w?rk?r? a gr??t?r voice at w?rk and in ?ur democracy. On the j?b, unionized nur??? h?v? b??n ?bl? t? work with h???it?l? t? im?r?v? staffing levels ?? that ??ti?nt? receive ?u?lit? care, ?nd firefighters h?v? b??n ?bl? t? im?l?m?nt new ??f?t? ?r?gr?m? t? reduce on-t he-job fatalities.Unions h?l? people ??rti?i??t? in g?v?rnm?nt and ?ignifi??ntl? in?r???? voting r?t??, ?????i?ll? f?r n?n-whit? ?nd non-wealthy v?t?r?. F?r ?v?r? 1 percent in?r???? in union d?n?it?, v?t?r turnout in?r????? by .2 to .25 percent.What will EFCA provide?Th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t remedies th??? problems in thr?? ????ifi? w???:1. R?m?v?? Curr?nt Barriers th?t Prevent Workers from F?rming Uni?n? t? B?rg?in C?ll??tiv?l?Requires th?t wh?n a m?j?rit? ?f ?m?l????? h?? ?ign?d authorizations designating the union ?? it? b?rg?ining representative, the union will b? ??rtifi?d b? the Nati?n?l Labor R?l?ti?n? B??rd (NLRB). R??uir?? th? B??rd t? d?v?l?? model authorization l?ngu?g? and ?r???dur?? f?r ??t?bli?hing th? v?lidit? of ?ign?d ?uth?riz?ti?n?.Changes the ?urr?nt corporate-dominated r??r???nt?ti?n process th?t ?n??ur?g?? companies t? ???r?? ?nd intimidate w?rk?r? wh? ???k to form a uni?n and ?r???ur? them to influ?n?? th?ir choice.FACT: Th? current ?r????? i? n?t ???r?t or democraticOft?n, management has ?lr??d? l??rn?d wh?r? ?m?l????? ?t?nd b?f?r? the “???r?t b?ll?t” vote t?k?? ?l???.M?n?g?m?nt u??? one-on-one m??ting?-?ft?n ??ndu?t?d by w?rk?r?’ dir??t ?u??rvi??r, the ??r??n with th? most ??ntr?l over th?ir job-to intimidate w?rk?r? ?nd determine th?ir support f?r uni?niz?ti?n. Union bu?ting consultants instruct ?u??rvi??r? t? g?ug? ?m?l?????’ ?u???rt f?r a uni?n based on th?ir r???ti?n? during these m??ting? and u?? grading systems t? track ?m?l???? ?u???rt for the uni?n. Employees do n?t h?v? th? l?g?l right t? refuse to discuss th? issue. Thu? th? “secret ballot” for m??t w?rk?r? i? anything but ???r?t, ?in?? their v?t? w?? kn?wn l?ng before th?? ?t????d int? th? polling b??th.A former ?nti-uni?n ??n?ult?nt wrote th?t he w?uld often ?r??t? a $100 ?riz? f?r th? ?u??rvi??r? who m??t ???ur?t?l? ?r?di?t?d th? number of anti-union v?t??, r???rting that: “In ???l ?ft?r pool the ?u??rvi??r? were astonishingly ???ur?t?.”The ?urr?nt ?l??t i?n ?r?????, governed b? th? N?ti?n?l Labor Relations B??rd, is n?t d?m??r?ti? ?nd f?il? ?n ?lm??t ?v?r? single measure ?f b??i? f?irn???. NLRB ?l??ti?n? m?r? ?l???l? r???mbl? th? sham “elections” ?f one-party states than ?n?thing w? w?uld ??ll Am?ri??n d?m??r???.In NLRB ?l??ti?n?, ??rti?? do n?t have ??u?l ?????? t? v?t?r?, ??u?l ?????? to th? m?di?, ?r fr?? speech f?r b?th ??ndid?t?? and voters.M?n?g?m?nt i? ??rmitt?d to plaster th? workplace with ?nti-uni?n inf?rm?ti?n, d?m?nd workers ?tt?nd m?nd?t?r?, ?n?-?n-?n? m??ting?, ?nd ?v?n “?r?di?t” -but n?t “thr??t?n”- that uni?niz?ti?n will f?r?? th? ??m??n? t? ?l??? its d??r?.M??nwhil? ?r?-uni?n ?m?l????? ?r? banned from t?lking about forming a uni?n except wh?n th?? are on br??k time ?nd from di?tributing ?r?-uni?n information ?t w?rk except wh?n th?? are b?th ?n br??k tim? ?nd in a br??k room. Uni?n organizers are b?nn?d fr?m ?v?r ?nt?ring th? w?rk?l??? or even accessing ?ubli?l? u??d but ??m??n?-?wn?d spaces, ?u?h ?? ?? rking lots, ?t any tim?, for any reason.Firm? ?ft?n ?r?v?nt w?rk?r? fr?m ?v?n h?lding ?n NLRB ?l??ti?n.Th? number of NLRB r??r???nt?ti?n ?l??ti?n? h?? fallen t? it? l?w??t level in ?v?r h?lf a ??ntur?.Uni?n avoidance ??n?ult?nt?-?m?l???d b? m??t ??m??ni?? facing the ?r?????t ?f a uni?n election-counsel corporations t? conduct ?n ?ggr???iv?, intimid?ting ?ff?n?iv? as soon ?? w?rk?r? b?gin di??u??ing uni?niz?ti?n. “Winning ?n NLRB election und?ubt?dl? is an ??hi?v?m?nt; a greater ??hi?v?m?nt i? not h?ving ?n? at all!” advises law firm, J??k??n L?wi?.2. Gu?r?nt??? W?rk?r? a C?ntr??t Wh?n They F?rm a N?w UnionProvides th?t wh?n an ?m?l???r ?nd newly f?rm?d uni?n are unable t? bargain a first ??ntr??t within 90 d???, either ??rt? ??n r??u??t m?di?ti?n b? the F?d?r?l M?di?ti?n ?nd Conciliation S?rvi?? (FMCS).If n? ?gr??m?nt h?? been r???h?d ?ft?r 30 d??? ?f mediation, the di??ut? i? r?f?rr?d t? binding ?rbitr?ti?n.All time limits can b? ?xt?nd?d by mutual ?gr??m?nt. This ?h?ng? ?limin ?t?? current in??ntiv?? for ?m?l???r? to delay ?nd stall n?g?ti?ti?n? ?nd will dr?m?ti??ll? r?du?? th? d?l??, fru?tr?ti?n ?nd animosity g?n?r?t?d b? th? ??m??n?-d?min?t?d ???t?m.3. Strengthens Penalties against C?m??ni?? whi?h Br??k the L?w During Org?nizing C?m??ign? ?nd Fir?t C?ntr??t NegotiationsC?m??n? violations h?v? become epidemic in large ??rt b???u?? r?m?di?? f?r ??r??r?t? misconduct, such as ill?g?l firings ?f union supporters, ?r? ?? w??k th?t ??m??ni?? treat them as a ???t ?f d?ing business and a ?h??? w?? t? scare w?rk?r? ?w?? fr?m their uni?n ?u???rt.New, t?ugh?r r?m?di?? will ?r?vid? more protection for workers’ right?.Civil P?n?lti??: U? t? $20,000 ??r vi?l?ti?n ?g?in?t ??m??ni?? f?und to h?v? wilfull? ?r r????t?dl? vi?l?t?d ?m?l?????’ rights during ?n ?rg?nizing campaign or first contract n?g?ti?ti?n?.Treble Back P??: Increases t? thr?? tim?? b??k ??? the amount a ??m??n? i? r??uir?d to ??? wh?n ?n ?m?l???? i? discharged or di??rimin?t?d ?g?in?t during an ?rg?ni zing ??m??ign ?r fir?t ??ntr??t n?g?ti?ti?n?.M?nd?t?r? A??li??ti?n? f?r Injun?tiv? Remedies: R??uir?? the NLRB t? ???k a f?d?r?l court injun?ti?n when th?r? is reasonable ??u?? t? b?li?v? a company h?? discharged or discriminated ?g?in?t employees, thr??t?n?d to do ??, ?r ?ng?g?d in ??ndu?t th?t significantly int?rf?r?? with ?m?l???? rights during ?n ?rg?nizing ??m??ign ?r first ??ntr??t negotiations. E?u?liz?? remedies by making mandatory injun?tiv? remedies ?g?in?t ??m??ni?? th? ??m? as th? ?urr?ntl? r??uir?d injun?tiv? r?m?di?? ?g?in?t unions.4. Str?ng?r R?m?di??Th? w??kn??? ?f th? NLRA’? r?m?di?l ??h?m? i? ????r?nt wh?n it i? ??m??r?d to ?th?r f?d?r?l ?t?tut??. If an ?m?l???r vi?l?t?? NLRA section 8(?)(3), th? ?m?l???? is l?g?ll? ?ntitl?d to reinstatement and b??k-??? in th? ?m?unt ?f back w?g?? minus wh?t the w?rk?r ??rn?d ?r ??uld h?v? ??rn?d in the int?rim.In contrast, th? F?ir L?b?r St?nd?rd? Act provides for double b??k??? without ?n? ?ubtr??ti?n f?r interim ??rn?d w?g?? t? w?rk?r? wh? are n?t paid proper wages.Anti-di??rimin?ti?n statutes, like Title VII of th? Civil Rights A?t ?f 1964 ?nd th? Am?ri??n? with Di??biliti?? A?t, ?l?? provide for damages for ?m?ti?n?l di?tr??? ?nd punitive damages. Furth?rm?r?, it is much easier to ?r?v? ?n ?m?l???r’? vi?l?ti?n? ?f th??? acts.EFCA will strengthen NLRA r?m?di?? b?:r??uiring th? NLRB t? seek ?n injun?ti?n ?g?in?t ?n? ?m?l???r ?ng?g?d in unlawful l?b?r ?r??ti??? during ?n ?rg?nizing ?r fir?t ??ntr??t driv?;?r?viding f?r triple b??k ??? wh?n ?n ?m?l???? i? unl?wfull? di??h?rg?d ?r discriminated ?g?in?t during an ?rg?nizing or first ??ntr??t driv?; andallowing the NLRB t? im???? ?ivil fin?? ?f up t? $20,000 f?r each violation ?f NLRA sections 8(a)(1) ?nd 8(a)(3) during an ?rg?nizing or fir?t ??ntr??t driv?.Under the ?urr?nt v?r?i?n of NLRA section 10(l), ?n ?m?l???r ??n ???k a m?nd?t?r? injunction ?g?in?t a union f?r vi?l?ting NLRA ???ti?n? 8(b)(4), 8(b)(7) or 8(?).83 Th? R?gi?n?l Director mu?t r??u??t a temporary injun?ti?n in federal ??urt if a ?h?rg? is fil?d ?g?in?t a uni?n f?r such vi?l?ti?n? ?nd th? Director believes th? ?h?rg? h?? m?rit.But, uni?n? cannot ???k 10(l) injun?ti?n? ?g?in?t ?n? ?m?l???r vi?l?ti?n? ?f NLRA 8(?). In?t??d, th?? ?r? limit?d t? seeking injun?tiv? relief und?r NLRA 10(j). Under ???ti?n 10(j), th? NLRB h?? the ??ti?n â€" but n?t the r??uir?m?nt â€" t? ???k a f?d?r?l injunction ?g?in?t unl?wful ?m?l???r ??tivit?.EFCA addresses this imbalance in injun?tiv? r?li?f b? ?m?nding ???ti?n 10(l) to state th?t inv??tig?ti?n of ?h?rg?? of ?m?l???r violations ?f NLRA 8(?)(1) or 8(?)(3) m?d? during ?n initi?l ?rg?nizing ??m??ign ?r until the fir?t ??ll??tiv? b?rg?ining contract is entered int? “shall be made f?rthwith ?nd given ?ri?rit? over ?ll other cases.”DO WE NEED THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT?Th? Employee Free Choice A?t, ?n? of the m??t bitt?rl? contested bills ?urr?ntl? f??ing C?ngr???, w?uld ?tr?ngth?n workers’ right t? ?h???? a union ?nd bargain with t h?ir ?m?l???r? ?v?r issues ?f w?g?? and benefits.Wh?n making th? case f?r thi? l?ndm?rk l?gi?l?ti?n, it? supporters ?ft?n ??int to th? ??ti?n? of the ??untr?’? most aggressively anti-union ?m?l???r?. And there are plenty ?f good examples t? g? r?und.According to a r???rt released b? C?rn?ll Univ?r?it?, b?th l?g?l ?nd illegal ?nti-uni?n tactics have b???m? mu?h m?r? wid???r??d in recent years.But t? full? ???r??i?t? why w? n??d l?b?r-l?w r?f?rm, w? should l??k in?t??d ?t th? ??ti?n? ?f firms that claim, ?ft?n with considerable justification, t? be g??d corporate ?itiz?n?.L?t’? ??n?id?r th? ???? ?f the UKâ€"based Tesco, th? w?rld’? third l?rg??t r?t?il ?h?in, which ???r?t?? und?r the n?m? Fresh Easy in C?lif?rni?, N?v?d? and Ariz?n?.Since 2007, Fr??h Easy has ???n?d over 100 ?t?r?? thr?ugh?ut th? western Unit?d St?t?? and h?? plans t? ???n hundr?d? m?r?.T???? ??r?? d???l? ?b?ut it? ??r??r?t? reputation. Th? ??m??n?’? Hum?n Right? P?li?? states, “Em?l????? have th? right t? fr??d?m ?f ?????i?ti?n and ??ll??tiv? b?rg?ining. We r???gniz? the right ?f ?ur ?t?ff anywhere in T???? ?r?und th? w?rld t? j?in a r???gniz?d tr?d? uni?n ?nd b?rg?in ??ll??tiv?l? wh?r? thi? is ?ll?w?d within n?ti?n?l l?w.”In th? UK, T???? h?? a ?i?n??ring ?nd ?u?????ful partnership agreement with th? ?h??-w?rk?r? uni?n, U?d?w.F?r more th?n a d???d?, T???? ?nd Usdaw h?v? ?????r?t?d ?u?????full? ?v?r i??u?? of j?b tr?ining, ?m?l??m?nt ???urit?, work rul??, and ?th?r issues ?f critical im??rt?n?? t? both th? ??m??n? ?nd employees.One Briti?h M?mb?r of P?rli?m?nt h?? ??ll?d th? ??m??n? a “h?llm?rk ?f ?m?l???? inv?lv?m?nt” and th? partnership ?gr??m?nt between T???? ?nd Usdaw has b?n?fitt?d the ??m??n?, employees ?nd consumers.In th? Unit?d States, however, T???? h?? t?k?n a more tr?ubling ?nd adversarial stance, especially in the ?r?? of workers’ right?. Th? company h?? d??lin?d to meet with a broad ???liti?n ?f community, ?nvir?nm?nt?l ?nd ??n?um?r groups in Los Angeles, and i t h?? r?fu??d num?r?u? r??u??t? t? meet with th? Unit?d F??d and C?mm?r?i?l Workers union.In 2008, T????’? ?t??df??t r?fu??l t? meet with th??? groups ??ught th? ?tt?nti?n of then-presidential candidates B?r??k Ob?m? and Hil?r? Clint?n, both of wh? wr?t? l?tt?r? to T???? CEO Tim L??h? ??king him t? r???n?id?r th? ??m??n?’? ??li?? ?f n?n-?ng?g?m?nt.S?n?t?r Obama urged L??h? “t? reconsider your ??li?? of non-engagement … and ?dvi?? ??ur ?x??utiv?? ?t Fr??h Easy t? m??t with the UFCW. I am aware of T????’? r??ut?ti?n in Brit?in ?? a partner t? uni?n?. I would h??? th?t you w?uld bring those v?lu?? t? your w?rk in America.”Fr??h Easy’s determined ?????iti?n t? uni?n? ?nd ??ll??tiv? b?rg?ining d???n’t ?t?? ?t a ??li?? ?f n?n-?ng?g?m?nt. In ?dditi?n t? refusing to m??t with r??r???nt?tiv?? fr?m th? union, Fr??h Easy h?? ?dv?rti??d f?r a hum?n r???ur?? dir??t?r with r????n?ibilit? for “m?int?ining n?n-uni?n ?t?tu? and union ?v?id?n?? activities.” (In U.S. l?b?r r?l?t i?n?, uni?n ?v?id?n?? i? widely understood ?? ??d? for “union bu?ting”-?n in?l?g?nt but ???ur?t? t?rm.)Management has in?tru?t?d ?m?l????? n?t t? talk about union issues at w?rk, ?v?n whil? it f?r??? th?m to listen to ?nti-uni?n ?????h??, ?nd has di?tribut?d ?nti-uni?n lit?r?tur? ?nd ???rdin?t?d supposedly ?rg?ni? ?m?l???? ?????iti?n t? the uni?n.Th? contrast between Tesco’s b?h?vi?r in the U.S. and th? UK i? striking. When ?m?l????? at Fresh Easy’s ?t?r? in Huntingt?n Beach presented a ??titi?n to th? ??m??n? r??u??ting uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n signed b? a m?j?rit? of th? ?m?l????? in 2008, th?? w?r? t?ld th?t the company w?uld n?t recognize their d?m?nd b???u?? th?? did n?t r??r???nt ?n “inf?rm?d m?j?rit?.”The company ?l?? argued th?t U.S. l?b?r l?w i? diff?r?nt fr?m UK law (which ?n??ur?g?? firm? to recognize unions with?ut f?r?ing ?m?l????? t? go through a l?ngth? and ??nfr?nt?ti?n?l ?l??ti?n process), and thu? it w?uld b? “irr????n?ibl?” t? b?h?v? in the ??m? w?? i n the U.S. ?? it does in th? UK. S? mu?h f?r r?????ting ?m?l?????’ fr?? choice.So in th? UK Tesco ?r??ti??? cooperation ?nd ??rtn?r?hi? with l?b?r uni?n?, whil? in the Unit?d St?t?? it i? dedicated to uni?n ?v?id?n??, ?v?n wh?n th? m?j?rit? of its ?m?l????? want uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n.And T???? is n?t ?l?n? in thi? r?????t.Several ?th?r multin?ti?n?l? that cooperate with uni?n? in Great Brit?in, G?rm?n?, Sw?d?n, Japan, Korea ?nd ?l??wh?r? fight ?ggr???iv?l? against ?m?l?????’ ?ff?rt? to f?rm uni?n? in th? Unit?d States.And l?b?r law currently ?ff?r? Am?ri??n workers littl? ?r?t??ti?n ?g?in?t th? ??ti?n? of h??til? ?m?l???r?. Or ?v?n against th??? ?f th? “g??d ?n??.”Thi? i? wh? w? n??d th? Em?l???? Fr?? Choice A?t.T?d??, milli?n? ?f Am?ri??n workers ?r? d?ni?d their right to f?rm a union because th? process ?f v?ting on uni?n formation h?? b??n corrupted. Workers th?t consider forming a union t?d?? f??? an undemocratic ???t?m ?nd are frequently intimid?t?d b? th?ir employer. A report b? th? C?nt?r f?r E??n?mi? ?nd P?li?? R????r?h find? th?t in 2007 ?t l???t one ?r?-uni?n w?rk?r w?? fired during 30 ??r??nt of uni?n ?l??ti?n ?r???????, ?nd pro-union activists f???d a more than 20 ??r??nt chance ?f b?ing fir?d.Th? problem i?n’t ju?t ??r??r?ti?n? th?t violate the law. Over th? ???r?, our l?g?l ???t?m has allowed unf?ir elections t? b???m? the n?rm. M?r? th?n 90 ??r??nt ?f companies legally f?r?? w?rk?r? t? ?tt?nd anti-union m??ting? that in?lud? “?n?-?n-?n? ??nv?r??ti?n?” with ?u??rvi??r?.According t? r????r?h by Univ?r?it? ?f Oregon Professor G?rd?n L?f?r, w?rk?r? ?ft?n face pressure fr?m th?ir dir??t ?u??rvi??r?-th? ??r??n with th? most ??ntr?l ?v?r their j?b-t? reveal th?ir ?riv?t? ?r?f?r?n??? f?r th? union. Thi? t?k?? the “???r?t” ?ut of th? “???r?t b?ll?t”-th? m??t common ??n??rv?tiv? mi??h?r??t?riz?ti?n ?f ?urr?nt union organizing rul??. Meanwhile ?r?-uni?n ?m?l????? ?r? b?nn?d fr?m t?lking about forming a uni?n ?x???t whil? th?? are ?n br ??k tim? ?nd from distributing pro-union inf?rm?ti?n ?x???t wh?n th?? are b?th ?n br??k tim? and in a br??k r??m.M?n? ??r??r?ti?n? f??u? significant tim? ?nd ?n?rg? on fighting uni?n ?rg?nizing drives; 75 percent hire consultants t? run sophisticated uni?n-bu?ting ??m??ign? b???d ?n m??? ????h?l?g? and di?t?rting th? l?w, ????rding t? Cornell Univ?r?it? Pr?f????r K?t? Bronfenbrenner. Corporations ??n ?v?n m?k? dubious ?r?di?ti?n? (but n?t thr??t?n) that uni?niz?ti?n will f?r?? the company t? ?l??? its d??r?.C?r??r?ti?n? have th? right to th?ir opinion, but they d? n?t h?v? the right t? di?t?rt th? election ?r????? t? ?u?h a d?gr?? that it i? a ??r?d? ?f d?m??r???. A d?m??r?ti? election r??uir?? th?t ?n? ?id? does n?t h?ld ?ll th? ??w?r, ??ntr?l all th? m?di?, and ??ntr?l the tim?lin? ?f th? ?l??ti?n. Y?t, th?t i? ?x??tl? wh?t m?n? uni?n elections look like today.Nevertheless, th?r? are still w?rk?l???? wh?r? workers successfully f?rm a uni?n. Th? ??r??r?t? response? Oft?n it’? t? b?rg?in with th? n?w uni?n in b?d f?ith b? u?ing d?l?? t??ti?? ?nd ?t?lling the negotiation ?f a first contract indefinitely. Th??? d?l?? t??ti?? ??n cause workers t? gr?w fru?tr?t?d and lose f?ith in their ability t? b? tr??t?d f?irl? at th? b?rg?ining table. Only 38 ??r??nt of uni?n? certified thr?ugh the N?ti?n?l L?b?r R?l?ti?n? B??rd election ?r????? achieve a fir?t ??ntr??t ?ft?r one ???r-?nd only 56 ??r??nt ?v?r achieve a first ??ntr??t.Unf?irl? ?r?v?nting w?rk?r? fr?m joining together in uni?n? it i? n?t ?nl? a vi?l?ti?n ?f th?ir basic hum?n right?, it i? ?l?? b?d for th? ???n?m? and democracy. With?ut ?tr?ng uni?n?, ?ur entire community ???? a heavy ?ri??: w?g?? lag, r??? and gender pay gaps wid?n, ?nd v?t?r turnout i? d??r????d ?? in???urit?, ??v?rt? ?nd in??u?lit? in?r????. In??m? in??u?lit? i? n?w at th? extreme levels it was in the 1920s, wh?n unionization rates w?r? ?l?? b?l?w 10 ??r??nt.THE CONSEQUENCES OF EFCAStifling Free Ch?i??Und?r th? EFCA, once ?rg?niz?r? ??ll??t signed ??rd? from a m?j?rit? ?f a ??m??n?? employees, ?ll of th? ??m??n?? w?rk?r? w?uld be f?r??d to join th? union without a v?t?. This strips workers of both their fund?m?nt?l right t? vote and th?ir privacy. Both the uni?n ?nd th? ?m?l???r would kn?w ?x??tl? whi?h workers w?nt to j?in th? union, l??ving workers vuln?r?bl? t? threats ?nd intimidation.Even wh?n ?rg?niz?r? ?b?? the l?w, card ?h??k allows uni?n ?rg?niz?r? t? push w?rk?r? t? ??mmit to j?ining a uni?n immediately ?ft?r h??ring their ?n?-?id?d ??l?? ?it?h without ?ith?r a ?h?n?? to hear th? arguments fr?m th? ?th?r side or time f?r r?fl??ti?n.When w?rk?r? d??lin? t? ?ign th? uni?n card ?n the ???t, uni?n ?rg?niz?r? r?turn again ?nd ?g?in to ?r???ur? th??? h?ld?ut? t? change th?ir mind?. Priv?t?l?, uni?n? ??kn?wl?dg? th?t uni?n cards ?ign?d und?r th??? ?ir?um?t?n??? d? n?t accurately reflect w?rk?r? desire t? j?in a uni?n.C?ntr?r? t? uni?n rhetoric, ?rg?nizing elections are fair and do ?r?t??t the rights ?f w?rk?r?. If ?n?thing th?? f?v?r uni?n organizers, which i? why uni?n? win 60 ??r??nt of organizing elections.Government d?t? show th?t employers r?r?l? fir? uni?n ?u???rt?r?-in ju?t 2.7 ??r??nt ?f ?l??ti?n ??m??ign?-?nd m??t ?ll?g?d vi?l?ti?n? ?r? investigated ?nd processed in a f?w m?nth?.T?d??? ?l??ti?n ?r???dur?? b?l?n?? the rights ?f employers ?nd unions ?nd ?n?ur? that unions have ?????? t? workers wh?n th?? ?r? not on ??m??n? time.W?rk?r? themselves disagree with th? union ??tivi?t? wh? ?l?im t? ????k f?r them. A l?rg? majority ?f uni?n members ?gr?? that ???r?t-b?ll?t elections ?r? f?ir ?nd ?h?uld n?t be r??l???d with ??rd ?h??k. Most ?th?r Am?ri??n? ?l?? ?gr??. C?ngr??? should n?t ?h?ng? a system th?t most w?rk?r? ?u???rt.R?du?ing AccountabilityThe EFCAs ????nd ??m??n?nt w?uld force employers ?nd n?wl? ?rg?niz?d unions int? binding ?rbitr?ti?n if th?? were un?bl? t? ??ttl? ?n a ??ll??tiv? b?rg?ining ?gr??m?nt within 90 d??? fr?m th? start of b?rg?ining. Thi? ?r?vi?i?n w?uld f?r?? ?riv?t ? firm? int? a ri?k? ?r????? that w?rk? ???rl? in th? public ???t?r. In states lik? Mi?hig?n th?t u?? binding ?rbitr?ti?n, it takes ?n ?v?r?g? of 15 m?nth? for ?rbitr?t?r? t? make a ruling.Binding ?rbitr?ti?n ?l???? control ?f wages ?nd employment ??nditi?n? in th? hands ?f unaccountable g?v?rnm?nt officials. Arbitrators have littl? knowledge ?f the competitive r??liti?? that firm? f??? and no ?x??rti?? in ?r?fting th? bu?in??? ??ntr??t? on whi?h workers and ?m?l???r? r?l?.An ?rbitr?t?r? ruling w?uld b? fin?l, and th? ?rbitr?t?r would n?t h?v? t? liv? with th? ??n???u?n??? ?f th? ruling.Workers ??uld n?t ?????l a d??i?i?n th?t g?v? th?m t?? littl? pay ?r one that w?uld bankrupt the firm. G?v?rnm?nt-im????d ??ntr??t? would ?l?? stifle corporate ??m??titiv?n??? and inn?v?ti?n.Ignoring Uni?n Abu???Th? EFCA? fin?l section would in?r???? ??n?lti?? ?n employers, but n?t unions th?t engage in unfair L?b?r practices during ?rg?nizing drives. Labor ??tivi?t? ?rgu? th?t uni?n? almost never ?b u?? w?rk?r? during ?rg?nizing drives, ?? th?r? is no n??d t? increase ??n?lti?? for union ?bu???. But th?? misrepresent the facts to reach thi? ??n?lu?i?n.In f??t, uni?n? h?v? been ?h?rg?d with making threats, vi?l?n??, ???r?i?n, ?nd intimidation th?u??nd? ?f tim?? ?in?? 2000.Th??? n?w ??n?lti?? w?uld ???l? n?t ju?t t? ????? ?f ill?g?l firing? but t? many actions th?t th? government prohibits but appear inn??u?u?, ?u?h ?? asking w?rk?r? what th?? would lik? t? see changed ?t th?ir w?rk?l???. Em?l???r? without experience with ?rg?nizing campaigns will b? ?t risk ?f ??mmitting multi?l? unint?nti?n?l vi?l?ti?n? ?nd racking u? steep fin??.Thi? will h?v? a chilling im???t ?n employer speech, intimid?ting th?m int? staying ?il?nt during ?n ?rg?nizing ??m??ign. C?n???u?ntl?, ?m?l????? will b? d??riv?d of th? inf?rm?ti?n th?? n??d to m?k? ?n inf?rm?d ?h?i?? ?b?ut uni?n representation.PROS AND CONSWhat ?r? the pros?a. It ?ll?w? ?m?l????? t? form a union easilyWith th? ?urr?nt l?b?r l?w, ?m?l ????? wh? wi?h t? j?in a uni?n t?lk to other w?rk?r? ?nd ??k th?m to sign authorization ??rd?. Thirt? ??r??nt ?f th? workforce mu?t ?ign to call for an election by w?? ?f ???r?t b?ll?ting.The m?n?g?m?nt can th?n ?????t but i? n?t r??uir?d to agree with the formation ?f a uni?n. With the EFCA, th?r? is no need for ???r?t balloting if m?r? th?n h?lf ?f employees ?ign ?uth?riz?ti?n cards fr?m ?n ?xi?ting labor union.b. It ?r?t??t? w?rk?r? fr?m poor l?b?r ?r??ti???Labor uni?n? ??n quickly f?rm to ?r?t??t w?rk?r rights and unsafe working ??nditi?n?. Thi? also m??n? th?t ?m?l????? have a b?tt?r m?th?d of bringing gri?v?n??? to light or ?v?n t?king them to ??urt if necessary t? create the changes that ?r? r??uir?d.Management isn’t hind?r?d b? thi? process either as it ?im?l? creates a f?rm?l method ?f procedures f?r ?m?l????? t? f?ll?w.c. It protects employees from th? abuse of th?ir right? ?? workersIf a ??m??n? unlawfully fir?? an ?m?l???? who is ?r? union, th? employer will h?v? to gi v? thr?? times the b??k ??? ?f th?t w?rk?r. With this ?r?t??ti?n, ??m??ni?? will r?fr?in fr?m u?ing unfair l?b?r ?r??ti???.d. It ??uld h?l? to b?l?n?? ?ut th? ??w?r b?tw??n big bu?in??? ?nd big uni?n?Th? ?r?bl?m with the m?d?rn ??liti??l system i? th?t ?v?r??n? h?? access to hug? pools of money â€" except the ??mm?n w?rk?r, th?t is.Th? EFCA w?uld h?l? to giv? w?rk?r? ?n the fr?nt lines more of a v?i?? in their futur? because th??’d b? ?bl? to better pool th?ir resources together t? campaign f?r wh?t th?? n??d.If n?thing ?l??, th? ??w?r ?f numbers h?l?? t? ?r?vid? ?m?l????? with ?n added level ?f ?r?t??ti?n.e. It ?r??t?? a system th?t r??uir?? ?gr??m?nt? b? r???h?dThe EFCA w?uld r??uir? that a binding agreement b? r???h?d within 120 days ?f a uni?n becoming r???gniz?d.If ?m?l???r? r?fu?? t? m?k? th? ?ff?rt to ??m? t? ?n agreement, th?n m?n?t?r? ??n?lti?? ?r? im?l?m?nt?d t? bring the ??m??n? int? ??m?li?n??.This f?r??? th? h?nd of un?thi??l ?m?l???r? to d? th? right thing when it ?? m?? to protecting th? workers they employ.f. It w?uld h?l? t? reduce th? ?nf?r??m?nt v??uum ?r??t?d b? the r?m?v?l of funding from th? N?ti?n?l L?b?r R?l?ti?n? B??rdWith?ut ?t?ffing, th? NLRB ?truggl?? t? ?h??k ?n ??m?li?n?? i??u?? fr?m today’s ??r??r?ti?n?. Thi? ?ll?w? employers with ?u??ti?n?bl? ?thi?? t? driv? their ?m?l????? int? the ground and blackmail them into ?????ting it because ?f ??m?tim?? diffi?ult ?m?l??m?nt ??nditi?n?.It r?m?v?? the “t?k? it ?r l??v? it” ?ttitud? that h?? ??m?tim?? found it??lf ?r???nt in th? modern ???n?m?.Wh?t Ar? th? C?n??“The ??-??ll?d Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? A?t ?nvi?i?n? a world where workers w?uld b? d?ni?d ?riv??? ?nd forced t? v?t? in an atmosphere ?f intimid?ti?n”. Mik? Pence a. It giv?? unions another b?rg?ining chipIf it becomes easier t? f?rm a uni?n, then it gives uni?n? ?n?th?r bargaining ?hi? t? ?ff??t th? ?r??ti??? of ??r??r?ti?n? t?d??. Thi? m??n? bu?in????? ?r? h?ld ????unt?bl? f?r their ??ti?n?, but th?r? i? nothing in plac e to hold a uni?n accountable for th?ir actions in th? ?r?????.In essence, some w?rk?r? m?? f??l f?r??d t? j?in a uni?n in ?rd?r t? be ?r???rl? r??r???nt?d ?nd th?t’? b?rg?ining ??w?r that i? unethical ?t best.b. It w?uld r??uir? mandatory ?rbitr?ti?nArbitr?ti?n can b? a g??d thing b???u?? it saves m?n?? for everyone inv?lv?d, but it can b? a v?r? b?d thing b???u?? th? ?rbitr?t?r’? decisions are typically binding.Th?r? ?r? very f?w w??? t? appeal a d??i?i?n fr?m ?n ?rbitr?t?r ?nd that can b? h?rmful to both ?m?l???r? and uni?n?.c. It allows uni?n? to h?v? ??ntr?l ?v?r ?l??ti?n?O????ing ?r???n?nt? ?f the bill ?rgu? th?t n?t ?ll ?m?l????? want t? b? m?mb?r? ?f a uni?n, ?nd if a card ?h??k i? implemented, th?? could b? forced to b???m? members.Al??, workers will not always b? inf?rm?d ?b?ut what th? uni?n i? r??r???nting, ?? they ?r? unaware until th? uni?n d??id?? t? r?v??l ?ll th? materials.d. It depletes ??m??titi?n in th? marketTh? EFCA can t?k? away the m?tiv?ti?n f?r employee s t? w?rk h?rd ?nd r?m?in competitive, ?? productivity ?nd innovation ?r? affected. Thi? ?ff??t? the l?v?l ?f ??rvi?? ?nd the ?u?lit? of ?r?du?t?, resulting in th? l??? ?f ??m??titiv?n??? in th? m?rk?t, ?nd w??kn??? of th? ???n?m?.e. It i? anti-employersTh??? ?g?in?t ??rd-?h??k bill ?rgu? th?t th? ??n?lt? ?f three times the ?m?unt ?f th? b??k of ?n ?m?l???? who is unl?wfull? fired i? too h??v? for ??m??ni??. Al??, th? ??w?r and freedom that labor uni?n? ??n gain with th? ????ing ?f the EFCA bill ??uld l??d t? m?r? demands and more l?w?uit?.If ?m?l???r? will ?uff?r fr?m a l?t ?f l?w?uit? ?nd d?m?nd?, this ??n result in huge losses and ????ibl? ?l??ur? of businesses. All of this ??n turn off inv??t?r?, ?nd w??k?n th? economy.f. It would giv? m?r? ??w?r t? in?ff??tiv? uni?n?, ?nh?n?ing a problem that ?lr??d? ?xi?t?Some uni?n? d? ?n ?x??ll?nt j?b ?f r??r???nting th?ir w?rk?r? t? ?r?t??t th?ir b??t interests. There ?r? ?th?r unions th?t are v?r? in?ff??tiv? ?nd seem to m?k? n? ?ff?rt in d?ing their j?b?.The EFCA w?uld giv? ???r uni?n? ?xtr? powers that would ?r??t? a wh?l? n?w set ?f ?r?bl?m? for ?m?l????? ?nd businesses while th?? get t? b?n?fit fr?m it.g. It r??uir?? ?ubli?l? ?ign?d uni?n ??rd? f?r ?rg?niz?ti?nThe secret b?ll?ting process is ?v?r wh?n it ??m?? t? th? EFCA. W?rk?r? wh? wish to join th? union w?uld ?limin?t? ?n?n?m?u? b?ll?ting ?nd let employers kn?w wh? w?nt?d t? uni?niz?.If th? balloting w?r? to f?il and ?m?l??m?nt w?? li?t?d ?? “?t will,” th?n th?r? ??uld be what ?m?unt? t? l?g?l retaliation ?g?in?t th??? workers.Wh?t’? worse i? that ?igning a ?ubli? card d???n’t m??n an employee w?nt? to uni?niz?, ??t it exposes a worker to ?r???ur?? from both sides ?f th? aisle.A FEW MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT EFCATh? Employee Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t i? und?m??r?ti? b???u?? it ?limin?t?? the ???r?t ballot and ?ll?w? unions t? intimid?t? w?rk?r?Th? Em?l???? Free Choice Act will r??t?r? b?l?n?? to the uni?n ?l??ti?n process b? ?ll?wing workers to ?h???? a union thr?ug h ?im?l? m?j?rit? ?ign-u? ?r an ?l??ti?n. Und?r ?urr?nt l?w, m?n?g?m?nt r?th?r th?n w?rk?r? h?? th? power t? decide wh?th?r w?rk?r? can ?rg?niz? a uni?n thr?ugh m?j?rit? sign-up ?r election.Und?r this legislation, workers retain the right t? ?h???? a tr?diti?n?l ?l??ti?n. If ?t l???t 30 ??r??nt ?f w?rk?r? w?nt ?n ?l??ti?n, r?th?r th?n m?j?rit? ?ign-u?, a “secret ballot” ?l??ti?n will b? held.M?j?rit? sign-up works w?ll at th? w?rk?l???? th?t ?h???? t? ??rmit it, in?luding large U.S. ??r??r?ti?n? ?u?h ?? ATT, In?., Unit?d Parcel Service, In?., ?nd Dow Jones Company.M?n? bu?in????? u?? ?imil?r petition processes t? form business im?r?v?m?nt districts that r?i?? area t?x?? for th? ?r?vi?i?n ?f collective ??rvi??? ?nd allow member bu?in????? a ??ll??tiv? voice to influence area decision makers ?nd improve district ??nditi?n?.Binding ?rbitr?ti?n ?r?v?nt? n?g?ti?ti?n by im???ing unr????n?bl? time limit? and will lead t? the im???iti?n ?f uncompetitive contractsAft?r workers win ?n ?l ??ti?n in f?v?r ?f uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n, a first contract mu?t b? negotiated to govern l?b?r management r?l?ti?n?. Curr?ntl?, corporations often engage in b?d f?ith b?rg?ining to prevent r???ntl? uni?niz?d workers fr?m ?v?r signing a fir?t ??ntr??t.Firm? ??ntinu? th?ir ?nti-uni?n campaigns thr?ugh n?g?ti?ti?n? b? using d?l?? tactics th?t can ??u?? workers t? gr?w frustrated ?nd l??? faith in th?ir ability to be treated f?irl? at the b?rg?ining t?bl?.Onl? an ??tim?t?d 38 ??r??nt ?f uni?n? ??rtifi?d through th? NLRB ?l??ti?n ?r????? achieve a fir?t ??ntr??t after ?n? ???r, ?nd ?nl? 56 percent ever ??hi?v? a fir?t ??ntr??t.In C?n?d?, wh?r? ??v?r?l ?r?vin??? r??uir? binding arbitration if labor and m?n?g?m?nt ??nn?t ??m? to ?n agreement, K?r?n Bentham ?f th? University of T?r?nt? found th?t workers who form uni?n? r???h a fir?t contract 92 percent ?f th? tim?.The v??t m?j?rit? of ??ntr??t negotiations are resolved v?lunt?ril? wh?r? ?rbitr?ti?n i? ?n option.Th? arbitration ??ti?n d??? no t mean th?t l?b?r or m?n?g?m?nt will b? ru?h?d int? unf?ir agreements. All tim? limit? und?r th? Employee Fr?? Ch?i?? Act can b? ?xt?nd?d by mutual ??n??nt of th? ??rti??-giving th? ??rti?? flexibility to use th? tim? fr?m?? that fit their ????ifi? needs. Voluntary n?g?ti?ti?n? ??n proceed as ?l?wl? ?r ?ui?kl? ?? necessary ?? l?ng as b?th parties f??l that th? ?th?r i? n?g?ti?ting in g??d f?ith.The l?gi?l?ti?n w?uld allow ?ith?r ??rt? t? ???k m?di?ti?n ???i?t?n?? ?ft?r 90 days ?f negotiations. Aft?r 30 days of m?di?ti?n, ?ith?r ??rt? ??n r??u??t binding ?rbitr?ti?n.In?r???ing uni?niz?ti?n, ?????i?ll? during th? r?????i?n, will h?rm w?rk?r? and th? economy b? m?king bu?in??? uncompetitiveUni?n? r?i?? w?g?? ?nd benefits f?r ?ll w?rk?r?. Uni?n workers ??rn significantly more ?n ?v?r?g? th?n n?n-uni?n counterparts and uni?n employers ?r? m?r? lik?l? to ?r?vid? b?n?fit?.Unionized workers ??rn 11.3 percent ($2.26 dollars ??r hour) m?r? th?n non-union w?rk?r? with ?imil?r ?h?r??t?ri?ti??. Uni?n workers nationwide ?r? 28.2 ??r??nt m?r? likely t? h?v? ?m?l???r-?r?vid?d health in?ur?n?? ?nd 53.9 ??r??nt more lik?l? t? h?v? employer-provided ??n?i?n? ??m??r?d t? w?rk?r? with ?imil?r ?h?r??t?ri?ti?? who ?r? n?t in uni?n?. W?rk?r? in l?w-w?g? indu?tri??, w?m?n, Afri??n-Am?ri??n, and L?tin? w?rk?r? h?v? high?r w?g?? in uni?niz?d w?rk?l???? than in non-unionized w?rk?l????.Even n?n-uni?n w?rk?r?-??rti?ul?rl? in highly uni?niz?d industries-receive financial benefits fr?m companies that in?r???? wages t? match wh?t uni?n? w?uld win in ?rd?r to ?v?id uni?niz?ti?n ?nd t? retain employees.With?ut uni?n?, f?w?r w?rk?r? g?t ahead. Uni?n membership rewards w?rk?r? f?r ?r?du?tivit? gains th?? d???rv?, but d? not always receive.D??lining uni?niz?ti?n r?t?? mean that workers ?r? l??? lik?l? t? r???iv? good wages ?nd b? r?w?rd?d f?r th?ir increases in ?r?du?tivit?. In 1980, 25.7 percent of American w?rk?r? were ?ith?r members ?f a uni?n ?r represented b? a uni?n at th?ir w?rk?l???. By 2 008, th?t portion d??lin?d to 13.7 ??r??nt.Thr?ugh?ut th? 20th ??ntur?, Am?ri??n w?rk?r? h?v? h?l??d ?ur ???n?m? grow b? b???ming more ?r?du?tiv?. Prior t? th? 1980?, productivity ?nd w?rk?r?’ w?g?? moved in t?nd?m-?? w?rk?r? ?r?du??d m?r? ??r h?ur, th?? ??w a ??mm?n?ur?t? in?r???? in th?ir ??rning?-but thi? link between ???n?mi? gr?wth ?nd th? w?ll-b?ing ?f the middl? ?l??? has br?k?n d?wn.From 1980 t? 2008, nationwide worker ?r?du?tivit? gr?w b? 75 percent, while w?rk?r?’ inflation-adjusted ?v?r?g? w?g?? increased b? ?nl? 22.6 ??r??nt-m??ning that workers were ??m??n??t?d for ?nl? a ?m?ll ?h?r? ?f their ?r?du?tivit? g?in?. High?r uni?n w?g?? r?w?rd workers f?r a larger portion ?f th?ir productivity g?in?.CONCLUSIONTh? need for reform ?f American labour l?w has in?r????d ?? a r??ult ?f th? ?vi???r?ti?n of l?ng-?t?nding NLRB ?r???d?nt by the Bush-appointed Board. Alth?ugh th? Ob?m? B??rd m?? reverse m?n? ?f th??? decisions, w?rk?r?’ rights will remain in a ?r???ri?u? ???iti?n if th? law itself i? n?t ?h?ng?d. Taft-Hartley’s ?r?t??ti?n ?f ?m?l???r “fr?? ?????h” limits the Board’s ?bilit? t? ?r?v?nt ?r?-?l??ti?n ???r?i?n.Whil? th? ???t Board w?? unwilling to u?? ?v?il?bl? r?m?di??, a B??rd d?di??t?d t? aggressive enforcement will ?till have littl? t? work with, owing t? the weakness of th? NLRA’? remedial scheme.Fin?ll?, entering a collective b?rg?ining agreement i? t?? difficult du? to th? weakness ?f th? “good faith” b?rg?ining dut? and the unequal ability to ?ng?g? in ???n?mi? warfare created by T?ft-H?rtl??’? r??tri?ti?n? ?n union ??tiviti??.EFCA’? r?f?rm? mu?t b? vi?w?d in th? context of current ?nd ???t law. Th? ?urr?nt ?l??ti?n ???t?m giv?? ?m?l???r? t?? many advantages over unions. Card check ??uld be im?l?m?nt?d b? th? NLRB ?l?ng th? lines of th? J?? Silk doctrine, ?? w?ll ?? state and f?r?ign l?w. Th? quick ?l??ti?n scheme proposed in ?l??? of card ?h??k should ?l?? m?k? it easier f?r w?rk?r? t? ?rg?niz?.Although EFCA ?nl? im?r? v?? r?m?di?? ?v?il?bl? t? workers, thi? “?n?-?id?d” reform is not so ?n?-?id?d once you ??n?id?r th? ?urr?nt imb?l?n?? of ?v?il?bl? r?m?di?? b?tw??n ?m?l???r? ?nd ?m?l?????.Lastly, EFCA’? im???iti?n ?f int?r??t ?rbitr?ti?n for initial collective b?rg?ining di??ut?? lacks d?t?il? but th??? d?t?il? can ???il? be fill?d in b? FMCS thr?ugh r?li?n?? ?n NLRB ?r???d?nt. If EFCA does not ???? in th? 111th C?ngr???, l?b?r is prepared f?r a long-term struggle t? win it? passage 96.Thu?, although EFCA may n?t ???? thi? ???r, w? h??? th?t the f?r?g?ing l?g?l analysis will r?m?in r?l?v?nt to th? ?ng?ing debate over the futur? of U.S. l?b?r l?w.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)Wh?t i? card ?h??k?C?rd ?h??k i? th? t?rm u??d f?r a method ?f organizing ?m?l????? int? a labor uni?n.   It i? a ??n???t that w?uld become th? ?rim?r? way th?t uni?n ?rg?niz?r? w?uld f?rm workers into a uni?n under l?gi?l?ti?n ??ll?d th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t (EFCA).Und?r card check, a uni?n w?uld be formed if a m? j?rit? ?f ?m?l????? (50 ??r??nt plus ?n?) ?ign uni?n ?uth?riz?ti?n f?rm? ?r ??rd?.Wh?t i? ?n authorization ??rd?An authorization card is typically a thr?? by fiv? card that a union organizer asks employees to ?ign.   Th? ?rinting ?n the ??rd typically states, at a minimum, I hereby designate th? [NAME OF UNION] to ?? m? ??ll??tiv? b?rg?ining r??r???nt?tiv?.Why d? uni?n? want t? implement ??rd ?h??k?Th? ?im?l??t answer is th?t ??rd ?h??k w?uld m?k? it mu?h ???i?r for uni?n organizers t? f?rm w?rk?r? int? uni?n? ?nd th?t it would giv? uni?n? a l?rg? in?r???? in membership. A large in?r???? in m?mb?r?hi? ?l?? means an in?r???? in m?mb?r?hi? dues, ?r funding f?r th? uni?n?.Uni?n? ?l??d for card ?h??k rul?? b???u?? th?? ?l?im employees ?uff?r at th? hands ?f employers ?? a r??ult ?f NLRB ?l??ti?n?.H?w?v?r, uni?n? continue to ?nj?? ju?t about the ??m? r?t? of vi?t?r?-t??i??ll?, 55 t? 60 ??r??nt, but ?? high ?? 67 ??r??nt in the fir?t half ?f 2008-in ???r?t-b?ll?t elections as th?? did in 1965.This relatively ??n?t?nt ?u????? rate suggests that labor’s disappointment with ?l??ti?n results likely h?? m?r? t? d? with th? w?ning d??ir? ?f employees t? be union m?mb?r? than ??ti?n? by ?m?l???r?.Wh? d? w? need majority sign-up?Democratic majority ?ign-u? ?r???dur?? ?r? th? m??t ?ff??tiv? w?? t? d?t?rmin? th? wi?h?? ?f a m?j?rit? ?f ?m?l????? ?nd ?r? n??????r? t? ?v?id anti-democratic employer ???r?i?n through th? NLRB ?l??ti?n ?r?????.Th?? ?n?ur? workers a f?ir ?h?n?? t? unionize ?nd ?r?m?t? h??lth? r?l?ti?n?hi?? b?tw??n ?m?l???r? ?nd ?m?l????? whil? n?g?ti?ting contracts f?r f?ir w?g??, ?d??u?t? healthcare, ?nd liveable pensions.Wh?t d??? the Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? A?t do?Th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t ?n?bl?? w?rk?r? t? h?v? a choice of whether t? j?in a union or n?t with?ut a f??r of l??ing th?ir j?b?.It creates a fair ?nd d?m??r?ti? ?l??ti?n process f?r employees t? ?bt?in a contract within a ??n?ibl? ?m?unt ?f tim? ?nd w?uld strengthen ??n?lti?? ?n ?m?l???r? who vi?l?t ? th?ir w?rk?r? right?.Workers in Uni?n? are able t? negotiate f?r a better ?u?lit? ?f life in?t??d ?f allowing CEO’? t? have ?ll th? ??w?r.Wh?t i? wr?ng with th? l?w? we h?v??Under current l?w, ?v?n if a m?j?rit? of w?rk?r? sign u? for a uni?n, th? company can v?t? th?t decision ?nd demand ?n ?l??ti?n. This giv?? th? company tim? t? fir? ?r harass w?rk?r? ?nd threaten t? ?l??? the w?rk?l??? t? ???r?? workers into v?ting ?g?in?t a uni?n.Under th? Em?l???? Fr?? Choice Act, if a majority ?f ?m?l????? sign cards indi??ting th?? w?nt t? ?rg?niz?, th?n th? ??m??n? h?? t? r???gniz? th? union, ?? l?ng as it i? ??rtifi?d by th? N?ti?n?l L?b?r Relations B??rd.Wh? ?r? M?di?ti?n ?nd Arbitr?ti?n Rules needed?M?di?ti?n ?nd Arbitr?ti?n Rul?? ?r? n??d?d b???u?? m?n?g?m?nt ??n hinder employee fr?? ?h?i?? b? refusing to b?rg?in ?nd th? ?urr?nt l?w h?? no recourse f?r ?u?h ??ti?n?.Management i? ?bl? to postpone ?nd stop n?g?ti?ti?n? ?nd th? ?urr?nt w?rking conditions ??ntinu?d t? be im?l?m?nt?d whi le th? stalemate ??ntinu??.The ??n?lt? f?r bad faith ?r ?urf??? b?rg?ining i? typically ?n order t? r??um? b?rg?ining, whi?h ??n then be ???t??n?d. It i? a vicious ???l? in whi?h the Am?ri??n W?rk?r loses.I Alr??d? H?v? a Uni?n. Wh? Sh?uld I Su???rt the Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? Act?Wh?n ??m? w?rk?r? are d?ni?d a v?i?? on th? j?b, it hurt? ?ll w?rk?r?. A? m?r? workers unit?, our ?tr?ngth builds, whi?h enables u? t? win high?r wages f?r ?ll workers, ?????? to affordable h??lth??r?, and ?r?t??t ?ur ??n?i?n?.Ive H??rd That th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t Will T?k? Aw?? S??r?t B?ll?t El??ti?n?. I? Th?t Tru??No. Th? Em?l???? Fr?? Choice A?t preserves secret ballot elections, but ?l?? ?n?ur?? th?t workers, n?t CEO?, d??id? wh?th?r t? form a union at work through majority sign-up.Right now, ?v?n wh?n a m?j?rit? ?f employees in a w?rk?l??? sign ??rd? ???ing th?? w?nt t? form a union and h?v? them certified b? th? f?d?r?l ?g?n?? th?t ?v?r???? l?b?r l?w, the ??m??n? ??n d??id? th?t w?rk?r? have t? d? it all ?g?in m?nth? l?t?r by f?r?ing them to h?ld ?n ?l??ti?n.Thi? l?gi?l?ti?n ensures that workers d??id? f?r th?m??lv??, not ??r??r?ti?n?, ?b?ut f?rming a union.Summ?r? ?f S??ti?n 2 ?f th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?tThe Employee Fr?? Ch?i?? Act 2010 would h?v? r?vi??d th? N?ti?n?l L?b?r R?l?ti?n? Act in three m?in w???.The fir?t w?? w?? through section 2 of the ??t ?r “Str??mlining uni?n certification”, whi?h would h?v? g?tt?n rid ?f th? n??d f?r ?n?th?r b?ll?t th?t i? u??d to g?t ?n employer r???gniz? th? uni?n, ?nl? if m??t w?rk?r? h?v? signed ??rd? ?t?ting th?ir wi?h t? b? a ??rt ?f th? uni?n. Th? r????n f?r the recognition ?f the uni?n i? for th? ?ur???? of h?ving ?x?lu?iv? collective b?rg?ining with th? ?m?l???r.Curr?ntl?, th? N?ti?n?l Labor R?l?ti?n? A?t ?t?t?? th?t after at least 30 ??r??nt ?f ?m?l????? wi?h t? h?v? uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n, a ????nd separate ???r?t b?ll?t is th?n h?ld t? authorize that th? common ??ini?n of employees is t? h?v? union representation.This b?ll ?t ?nl? ???ur? if th?r? i? a ?u??ti?n ?f ?m?l???? r??r???nt?ti?n, ?r if th? results ?r? ??nt??t?d. Undi??ut?d union ??titi?n? that have b?th the ?m?l???r ?nd ?m?l????? ?gr?? d? n?t n??d ?n? furth?r election. In ?r??ti??, the ??rd check r??ult? u?u?ll? are n?t ?h?wn t? th? employer until ?t least 50 ?r 60 ??r??nt ?f th? b?rg?ining-unit ?m?l????? have ?r???nt?d ??rd? with signatures.Furth?rm?r?, ?v?n if ?ll ?m?l????? h?v? signed ??rd? ?t?ting their preference f?r uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n, ?n ?m?l???r m?? request a ???r?t ballot, and deny ?n? negotiations until a ballot is h?ld.The result ?f ???ti?n 2 ?f th? ?m?l???? free ?h?i?? ??t ?umm?r? w?uld h?v? ?limin?t?d th? furth?r requirement t? ?uth?riz? th? uni?n ??n r??r???nt th? ?m?l????? with thi? ?dditi?n?l ballot.The ??t w?uld have r??ult?d in ?n employer b?ing un?bl? t? demand a second secret b?ll?t ?ft?r a majority h?d ?lr??d? ?l???d th?ir n?m?? ?n th? ??rd? indicating th? wi?h to h?v? uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n.Section 2 of the Em?l???? free choice act ?umm?r? ??ntinu?d ?n t? let th? N?ti?n?l L?b?r R?l?ti?n? Board draw u? m?r? specified ?nd detailed regulations r?g?rding inaccuracy ?f the ?r???dur? to r???gniz? th? m?j?rit?.The procedure ?f uni?n d???rtifi??ti?n w?uld r?m?in th? ??m? under the Em?l???? Free Choice A?t 2010, so an employer could v?lunt?ril? r?j??t uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n while ?n m?j?rit? ?f th? employees working th?r? ?l??? their ?ign?tur?? ?n d???rtifi??ti?n ??rd? ?r ??m?h?w show th?t th? ?m?l????? n? l?ng?r wi?h to have uni?n r??r???nt?ti?n, ?r if 30% of ?m?l????? put th?ir ?ign?tur?? on a petition t? h?v? a ???r?t ballot ?l??ti?n and a m?j?rit? v?t? f?r uni?n d???rtifi??ti?n.Summ?r? of S??ti?n 3 ?f th? Em?l???? Free Ch?i?? A?tS??ti?n 3 of the Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? Act 2010 is th? S??ti?n f?r f??ilit?ting initi?l collective b?rg?ining ?gr??m?nt?. Thi? ??rti?n ?f the bill ?r?vid?? th?t a union may r??uir? an employer to ?t?rt n?g?ti?ti?n? for the ?ur???? ?f a ??ll??tiv? ?gr??m?nt within 10 d??? after a uni on is ??rtifi?d.If both th? uni?n and th? ?m?l???r ??nn?t r???h an agreement within th? first 90 d???, ?ith?r ??rt? ??n t?k? the di??ut? up t? the Federal M?di?ti?n and C?n?ili?ti?n S?rvi??, th? ?rg?niz?ti?n th?t gives mediation f?r fr??.If the F?d?r?l Mediation ?nd Conciliation Service is un?bl? t? g?t th? parties t? ?gr?? after giving 30 d??? of mediation services f?r th? dispute, the di??ut? is th?n moved fr?m the F?d?r?l Mediation ?nd C?n?ili?ti?n S?rvi?? and referred to ?rbitr?ti?n.Th? arbitration results are th?n th? binding ?gr??m?nt for th? ??rti?? ?nd ?h?ll l??t f?r tw? ???r?. B?th the ?m?l???r ?nd the uni?n can ?gr?? to extend the time limit? ?r deadlines on the agreement.Summary ?f Section 4 of the Employee Fr?? Choice ActSection 4-A ?f th? Bill i? th? ?tr?ngth?ning enforcement section ?nd w?rk? to make th? N?ti?n?l Labor R?l?ti?n? B??rd l??k f?r injunctions ?g?in?t ?n? ?m?l???r who discriminates against hi? ?wn ?m?l????? who ?ut efforts int? uni?n ?rg?niz?ti?n.Th? bill ? ?rti?ul?rl? ?ll?w? f?r an injun?ti?n whenever a given ?ll?g?ti?n i? ?r?v?n, m??ning th?t ?n ?m?l???r h?? discharged or thr??t?n?d t? or h?? discriminated ?g?in?t a giv?n ?m?l???? who l??k?d f?r uni?n representation. An injun?ti?n i? ?l?? ????ibl? if the employer took part in ?n? unf?ir l?b?r ?r??ti??? that r??ult in restrained right? under Section 7 ?f the N?ti?n?l Labor R?l?ti?n? B??rd.Pr???ntl?, th??? kind? ?f f?d?r?l court injunctions are ?blig?t?r? ?nl? f?r vi?l?ti?n? d?n? by uni?n?. Th?r? ?r? no ??uiv?l?nt r?m?di?? for unl?wful ??t? th?t ?r? ??mmitt?d b? ?m?l???r? wh? vi?l?t? workers’ right?.S??ti?n 4-B ?f th? Em?l???? Fr?? Ch?i?? A?t Summary works to heighten penalties for ?n? employer wh? violates th? law. Th? ?m?unt of fin?? ?n employer i? ?blig?t?d t? pay when ?n? ?f hi? or h?r ?m?l????? ?r? ill?g?ll? di??rimin?t?d against ?r discharged ?ft?r ?r during a ??m??ign ?r first contract driv? is twi?? th? b??k ??? ?? th? li?uid?t?d d?m?g?? ?? w?ll as th? ?rigin?l back ??? ?w?d. Currently, damages by th? employer ?r? limit?d to just b??k pay, or any wages that ?r? ??rn?d by ?n ?m?l???? in th? ???? th?? are hir?d b? another employer. Th?r? w?uld not be a ?r?vi?i?n f?r ?unitiv? ?r ??m??n??t?r? d?m?g??.Lastly, th? Employee Fr?? Ch?i?? Act ?umm?r? w?rk? t? ?r?vid? f?r ?ivil fines of a m?ximum v?lu? of $20,000 per individu?l vi?l?ti?n ?g?in?t ?n ?m?l???r wh? h?? b??n found t? have repeatedly ?r willfully vi?l?t?d the rights of an employee during a first contract driv? ?r ??m??ign ?rg?niz?ti?n. Th?r? ?r? ?urr?ntl? n? civil fin?? in r????n?? to these vi?l?ti?n?.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Character of Daisy Miller by Henry James Free Essay Example, 2500 words

According to James, Daisy Miller went with Giovanelli the way she did, not because she is defiant nor does she took pleasure in being involved in a scandal but because it is her nature to be so. She never really noticed the scandal she has brought or created because she was too ignorant, she is not the contemplative type and has no sense of proportion of things. In other words, she is not aware of her effect of society nor has she got the aptitude to plan revenge against society by defying it. The whole idea of the story is the little tragedy of a light, thin, natural, unsuspecting creature being sacrificed as it were to a social rumpus that went on quite over her head and to which she stood in no measurable relation. To deepen the effect, I have made it go over her mother s head as well. She never had a thought of scandalizing anybody the most she ever had was regret for Winterbourne (Helsinger, et al, 1983 p 185). What is striking about Daisy s situation is that she has a mother who seems not to notice anything that s going on with her daughter or if she does, does not give Daisy or anyone an inkling for that matter. We will write a custom essay sample on The Character of Daisy Miller by Henry James or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page And there s the malaria epidemic hounding Rome at that time. As a mother, she should have been cautious in allowing Daisy to go out at night where malaria mosquitoes may roam and infect her. Yet, she never figures anywhere in her daughter s life. Also, the story of Daisy Miller addressed a 19th-century issue that has something to do with gender and sexuality by creating an underpinning divergence between American individualism and masculinity, and between traditional society in Europe and femininity (Hong 2006 p. 13). To convey this issue, the author employed a third person limited omniscient narrator in the person of Winterbourne who is immediately attracted to the innocent beauty of Daisy Miller.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Libraries Features Within Childhood And Family Life

‘Literacy and communication skills are vital in society today and early introduction to literacy though a breadth of experiences of rhymes, stories, pictures and books supports these skills.’ (Rankin and Brock, 2015, p1). Rankin and Brock cite that ‘Start with the Child’ (CILIP, 2002) recognised that reading is a central part of the child’s development. Reading inspires their imagination, this enables them to grow emotionally, and develop their understanding of the world and where they stand in the local and global community. Libraries can be influential in the early stages of a child’s life because they bring books and children together, they provide a space where children can experiment and learn. Within this assignment I analyse the†¦show more content†¦It is seen as a facilitating environment; libraries are designed to provide a safe environment in which the children can learn. International research shows that children’s development is influenced by nature and nurture (genes and environment). This research shows that the first five years of life are the most significant for brain development, while the most rapid growth is within the first three years, the experiences that children have at this young age shapes the architecture for their brains (Mustard, 2006; cited by Barratt-Pugh and Allen). Rankin and Brock cited that ‘the children’s library has a key partnership role to play in developing skills, by providing access to resources and services for children and their families’ (Blandshard, 1997; Fasick and Holt, 2008), the acronym ‘SPICE’ clearly represents early childhood developmental needs, this includes; Social, Physical, Intellectual, Creative and Emotional (Harding, 2015). Libraries are well nurtured to support development at such a significant age; libraries enable the child to develop through a range of activities. Libraries often employ professional young people s librarians who advise visitors on book types at various development stages. To ensure libraries support the early years of children’s development, many run schemes to encourage pre-school and school age children to love libraries. This includes scheme such as Book Start Bear Club

Great Gatsby Free Essays

In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald relies on the reoccurring image of Tom and Daisy side by side, framed by a square of artificial light to emphasize their corrupt marriage. Although Daisy complains about how miserable she is within her marriage, their basic compatibility is made clear by Fitzgerald’s use of the artificial light in the beginning of the novel. The second occurrence of the artificial light is encountered at one of Gatsby’s parties. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now Daisy spends a substantial amount of time with Gatsby at the party, while Tom pursues a woman he has met. The couple is eventually united by their mutual snobbishness within the â€Å"distinguished secret society† Gatsby is unable to comprehend. This leads to Tom and Daisy standing side by side at the end of the evening framed in â€Å"ten square feet of light† emanating from Gatsby’s front door. The frame of light then appears for the third and final time after Daisy accidentally runs over Myrtle Wilson driving Gatsby’s car.After the horrific accident, Nick comes to â€Å"a small rectangle of light† at the window of Tom and Daisy’s house, where the couple is sitting together, hand in hand, seemingly in agreement. The scene portrays Tom and Daisy as â€Å"well matched, united in mutual corruption. † Gatsby is eventually murdered for running over Myrtle, something Daisy did, thus leaving Tom and Daisy and their marriage intact. Despite the repeated imagery of Tom and Daisy framed in artificial light, it is ironic that in the end it is Gatsby who is ultimately framed by the corrupt couple. How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers Great Gatsby Free Essays This extract establishes both the physical and symbolic values of the setting in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It also provides us with the traits of the characters in the novel in relation to the thematic focus. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now The setting is also symbolic of Fritzgerald’s satire of 1920s New York lifestyle , particularly emphasizing on the American dream , social class and money. Prior to the extract, Nick begins by commenting on himself, stating his qualities; tolerance and tendency to reserve judgments as one of them. In the summer of 1922, Nick Carraway has just arrived in New York and is living in a part of Long Island known as West Egg. Fitzgerald establishes Nick Carraway as an impartial narrator but not a passive one. From the novel’s opening paragraph onward, this will continue create an internal conflict for Nick himself. Because despite the fact that Gatsby represents all that Nick despises, Nick cannot help but admire him. Geographically, the differences of the upper classes are symbolized by two residential areas of Long Island, New York â€Å"Twenty miles from the city a pair of enormous eggs, identical in contour and separated by a courtesy bay, jut out into . . . Long Island Sound. . . n arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size. † Fitzgerald continues to emphasize the social divisions between the two Eggs and their inhabitants with colorful imagery which develops symbolic significance. Nick lives in Long Island in what is known as the West Egg. The West Egg is located across the bay from the East Egg. Nick, after describing his area as the less fas hionable of the two, continues to confess that â€Å"this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them. The relationship between geography and social values is an important motif in The Great Gatsby. Each setting in the novel corresponds to a particular thematic idea or character type. This extract introduces the two most important settings in the novel, East Egg and West Egg. Even though each is home to the wealthy they are separated as Nick says â€Å"by a courtesy bay†, the two regions are opposite in the values they uphold. East Egg represents taste, and aristocracy while West Egg represents ostentation and the flashy manners of the new rich. East Egg is associated with the Buchanans and the monotony of their inherited social position, while West Egg is associated with Gatsby’s gaudy mansion. Nick is attracted to the fast-paced lifestyle of New York. But it is contradictory because he also finds that lifestyle grotesque and damaging. This inner conflict is symbolized throughout the book by Nick’s romantic affair with Jordan Baker. He is attracted to her vivacity and her sophistication just as he is repelled by her dishonesty and her lack of consideration for other people. The second contrast is between the city scenes and the suburban ones. Like Nick Carraway, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby commute into the city for their respective lines of work. The women are left behind. This geographical divide is also a gender borderline. But the city is important in other ways, too; Tom only interacts with his mistress in the city, and Gatsby only sees Meyer Wolfsheim there. They both use the city to hide their goings-on from the people they value on Long Island. The setting in the Great Gatsby is closely related to the Concept of the American Dream in the novel. The American dream was originally about discovery, individualism, and the pursuit of happiness. In the 1920s depicted in the novel, however, easy money and relaxed social values have corrupted this dream, especially on the East Coast. One of the major topics explored in The Great Gatsby is the sociology of wealth, specifically, how the the new rich are segregated from the old aristocratic rich who live on the East Egg In the novel, West Egg and its denizens represent the newly rich, while East Egg and its denizens, especially Daisy and Tom, represent the old aristocracy. Fitzgerald portrays the newly rich as being vulgar, gaudy, ostentatious, and lacking in social graces and taste. Gatsby, for example, lives in a monstrously ornate mansion, wears a pink suit, drives a Rolls-Royce, and does not pick up on subtle social signals, such as the insincerity of the Sloanes’ invitation to lunch. In contrast, the old aristocracy possesses grace, taste, subtlety, and elegance, epitomized by the Buchanans’ tasteful home and the flowing white dresses of Daisy and Jordan Baker. What the old aristocracy possesses in taste, however, it seems to lack in heart, as the East Eggers prove themselves careless, inconsiderate bullies who are so used to money’s ability to ease their minds that they never worry about hurting others. The Buchanans exemplify this stereotype when, at the end of the novel, they simply move to a new house far away rather than condescend to attend Gatsby’s funeral. The setting in the Great Gatsby is closely related to the Concept of the American Dream in the novel. Daisy is in love with money, ease, and material luxury. She is capable of affection (she seems genuinely fond of Nick and occasionally seems to love Gatsby sincerely), but not of sustained loyalty or care. She is indifferent even to her own infant daughter, never discussing her and treating her as an afterthought when she is introduced in Chapter 7. In Fitzgerald’s conception of America in the 1920s, Daisy represents the amoral values of the aristocratic East Egg set. How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers Great Gatsby Free Essays great gatsby Character |Behavior |Consequences | | Jay Gatsby |  He had a overzealous need for|  He lost daisy because of his eagerness for money | | |money and would sacrifice | | | |anything to get it | | |Daisy Buchanan |  Never attached her self to |  Lost Gatsby’s love | | |anyone or anything | | |Tom Buchanan |  Very rude and bossy. Expects |  Marriage issues/ Selfish | | |people to â€Å"jump through hoops†| | | |for him | | |Jordan Baker |  Falls for another guy |  Nick leaves and never returns | |   | | | |Myrtle Wilson |  distressed in wanting to |  She uses adultery to try and enhance her life | | |improve her dull life | | |George Wilson |  Lifeless and not in any way |  Kills Gatsby and then himself | | |motivated | | |Part II: The Great Gatsby: The American Dream | |In your opinion, what is â€Å"The American Dream†? I think that the American Dream is to be successful in life. Everyone has goals | |that they set for themselves and some get achieved and some don’t. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my opinion being successful is having a family, working in| |a career that you love, and just living life to the fullest. | |According to the media, advertisements, salaries, and society in general, what is â€Å"The American Dream†? How does this compare to| |your definition of â€Å"The American Dream†? | |List at least five elements that make up Jay Gatsby’s American Dream. On the chart | |For each of the five elements you listed in question 3, consider what is wrong with either Gatsby’s concept of the dream or the | |way he attempts to attain it. On the chart | |As you read the novel, copy down a specific quotation or quotations that most relate to the concept of the American Dream as it | |is presented in the novel. â€Å"That’s my Middle West . . . the street lamps and sleigh bells in the frosty dark. . . . I see now | |that this has been a story of the West, after all—Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we | |possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly inadaptable to Eastern life. â€Å" | |â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no | |matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . And then one fine morning— | |So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. † | | | | | | | |Elements That Make Up Jay Gatsby’s American Dream |What is Wrong With Gatsby’s Concept of the Drea m or The| | |Way He Attempts to Attain It | |1. Daisy loving him |There is a huge difference in their social classes, so | | |when he tries to win her over he starts doing illegal | | |stuff to make money to impress her and keep up with her| | |materialistic lifestyle   | |2. Popularity |  In order to gain popularity he thought that he needed | | |to be wealthy. He had the wrong idea as to how to | | |become popular. | |3. Wealth/ Money |  He became a criminal because of his greed for money. | |He illegally trafficked drugs/ alcohol | |4. Doesn’t want to face reality |  In Gatsby’s eyes Daisy had no flaws but in reality she| | |had many but he didn’t want to face the facts about her| |5. His loyalty to Daisy |  He lied to Daisy about many things, so she didn’t see | | |him for who he truly was | |Part III: Understanding the Historical Context and Setting of the Novel | |F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby is a specific portrait of American society during the Roaring Twenties. In | |this part of the assignment you will explore the connection between history and literature. | |Begin your exploration by visiting the following resources: | |Kingwood College Library | |The Media History Project Timeline | | | |Review the major people, places, and events in The Arts, News Politics, Science, Business, Society and Sports. | | |As you review these resources, think about how they illuminate your understanding of The Great Gatsby. | |After researching the 1920s, respond to the following statement in an essay, either agreeing or disagreeing. Your essay | |should be at least four paragraphs in length (minimum of six sentences in each paragraph). | | | |†The beauty and splendor of Gatsby’s parties masked the innate corruption within the heart of the Roaring Twenties. | |Jazz-Age society was a bankrupt world, devoid of morality, and plagued by a crisis of character. | |If you agree with this statement, you must find specific support from both the novel and from history to support your view. | | | |If you disagree with this statement, you must find specific support from both the novel and from history to support your | |view. | |Paragraph 1: Find a quotation from the novel or pose a question to begin your essay. Introduce your thesis statement. Do | |you agree or disagree with the statement? Why? | |Paragraph 2: Discuss at least five references to people, places, and events in the 1920s as specific support for your | |thesis. For example, you might include a discussion of Prohibition, Gangsters, the Stock Market, and Fads if you agree with| |the statement. If you disagree, you might discuss Technological or Scientific Advances, Social Reforms, Literature, Music, | |and Inventors or Inventions. | |Paragraph 3: How do the characters, plot, and theme of The Great Gatsby support or refute the statement that â€Å"the Jazz-Age | |society was a bankrupt world, devoid of morality, and plagued by a crisis of character†? Use specific details and lines | |from the novel to support your view. | |Paragraph 4: Develop a conclusion that reflects on the evidence from history and the novel that supports your thesis. | How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers Great Gatsby Free Essays Gatsby: The False prophet of the American Dream The American dream, or myth, is an ever recurring theme in American literature, dating back to some of the earliest colonial writings. Briefly defined it is the belief, that every man, whatever his origins, may pursue and attain his chosen goals, be they political, monetary, or social. It is the literary expression of the concept of America: the land of opportunity. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now F. Scott Fitzgerald has come to be associated with the concept of the American dream more so than any other writer of the country. In fact, the American dream has been for Fitzgerald what the theme of the separate peace has been for Earnest Hemingway – the focal point or building block for much, if not all, of his work. However, Fitzgerald’s unique expression of the American dream lacks the optimism, the sense of fulfilment, so evident in the expressions of his predecessors. Cast in the framework of the metaphor, the aforementioned exponents of the American dream were Old Testament prophets predicting the coming of the golden age, complete with a messiah who was to be epitome of the word â€Å"American. † Gatsby is Fitzgerald’s answer. To Fitzgerald the long prophesied American dream had its fulfillment in the â€Å"orgiastic† post World War I period was known as â€Å"The Roaring Twenties. † He was the self-appointed spokesman for the â€Å"Jazz Age†, the term he takes credit for coining, and he gave it its arch-high priest and prophet, Jay Gatsby, in his novel The Great Gatsby. Gatsby is aptly suited for the role of arch-high priest because he is the persona and chief practitioner of the hedonism that marked this period. He is also its unwritting prophet, for his failure and destruction serve as a portent for the passing away of an era. The suggestion that The Great Gatsby may contain religious implications is not a new idea. Bernard Tanner sees it as a â€Å"Jazz Parody†, â€Å"The Gospel of Gatsby†. Gatsby is characterized as an â€Å"inverted Christ† in this drama, and the rest of the dramatis personae are neatly fitted in, perhaps too neatly, to this allegorical framework. To wit: Nick Carraway is Nicodemus, the Pharisee; Dan Cody is St. John the Baptist with his femme fatale , Salome, in the guise of Ella Kaye; and Meyer Wolfsheim is St. Peter complete with three denials. These characters, plus others, act out their parts in the gospel, carrying out such events as the marriage feast at Cana, various parables, Judas’ betrayal, and Christ’s crucifixion. A. E. Dyson maintains, that Dr. T. J. Eckleburg â€Å"is the only religious reference† in this novel. Roger L. Pearson doesn’t agree with these two interpretations. He believes that Fitzgerlad is much like Hemingway in his symbolic technique in The Great Gatsby, in that he projects a series of variations in his imagery so as to achieve a cumulative effect. Fitzgerald becomes at times orthodox and formulistic to a degree in this novel. However, he achieves a totality of expression by introducing motifs that give the reader a slightly differing perspective of Gatsby, while always moving in a specific direction. Hence, Gatsby is no shallow stereotype. Instead, he has depth and complexity. There is a religious design in The Great Gatsby, and it has its basis in Jay Gatsby himself. Nick Carraway, the narrator and interpreter of the novel, describes Gatsby thus: The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God-a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that-and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. It should be noted that Gatsby is â€Å"a son of God,† the God of material love-Mammon. Rather than an â€Å"inverted Christ† or God, Gatsby is a perverted God; one who is dedicated to the physical rather than the spiritual world. Gatsby has come to espouse the gospel of the corrupted American dream. His existence is founded on a lie, a delusion, and he terms this monstrous lie â€Å"God’s truth† in relating to Nick his past. It is evident, even to Nick, that Gatsby is a self-deluded fraud living in a world of shams. His lie especially reflects his materialism. He is Mammon resurrected by the hedonism of the 1920s. Fitzgerald introduces a supporting image for the Mammonism of Gatsby in the description of his house which serves, among other things, as the temple of his Philistinism. The description about Gatsby’s home has overtones of Babel with its tower when viewed in the content that it is inhabited by people â€Å"who never knew each other’s name. The beauty of this image of Gatsby’s house is that it is a dual one. It seems that Fitzgerald has created a twentieth-century replica-â€Å"a factual imitation†-of Milton’s Pandemonium. The image is further solidified in that Mammon was its chief architect and builder. The lights that decorate the mansion, the expensiveness of its appointments, the opulence of its library, all contribute to this image. Fitzgerald appears de liberately to contribute to the God-like image of Gatsby by withholding him from the novel, while surrounding him with an aura of myth. Some believe him to have been a double spy during the war, others that he once killed a man, while some see him as a criminal lord of the underworld, dealing in bootleg liquor, among other things. A principal image in The Great Gatsby is the valley of ashes, presided over by the ubiquitous Dr. T. J. Eckleburg. This wasteland lies between West Egg and New York City. Several interpretations have been offered as explanations of this scene. There are similarities between the eyes of Dr. Eckleburg and Fitzgerald’s description of the anonymous Owl Eyes. It is Owl Eyes who murmurs the eulogy of â€Å"The poor son-of-a-bitch† at Gatsby’s grave. William Goldhurst believes that Dr. Eckleburg’s presence in the novel is to â€Å"symbolize some implacable deity†. This has credence, for George Wilson, Myrtle’s husband, refers to Dr. Eckleburg as the eyes of God. â€Å"God sees everything† But what of the valley of ashes itself? One critic has noted that Fitzgerald may have had the Valley of Hinnon in mind when he created the valley of ashes. Hinnon is the Old Testament name for the city dump outside the walls of Jerusalem. Since fertile, it was defiled by the worship of false god ant turned into ashes by God in his wrath. This analysis resolves the relationship between Dr. Eckleburg, the valley of ashes and Gatsby. The valley of ashes is the result of Jay Gatsby’s testament, the dust of a perverted American dream; and like its biblical counterpart, it has its association with the worshiping of a false god, Mammon, incarnate in his son, Gatsby. A contributing factor in this assessment of the role of Gatsby is provided by Meyer Wolfsheim. It is an often stated premise that it takes evil to recognize evil. We have just such an instance here. Wolfsheim claims to have â€Å"made† Gatsby, and refers to him as a â€Å"man of fine breeding†. Gatsby also has a perverted or mistaken sense of what constitutes character. He refers to Meyer Wolfsheim as a â€Å"smart man† and he also lauds Jordan Baker as a woman who â€Å"wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t all right†. Gatsby’s gospel of hedonism is reflected in his house, wild parties, clothing, roadster, and particularly in his blatant wooing of another man’s wife. Daisy, a rather soiled and cheapened figure, is Gatsby’s ultimate goal in his concept of the American dream. However, he falls victim to his own preachings. He comes to believe himself omniscient – above the restriction of society and morality. He will win back Daisy by recapturing the past. Gatsby is going to achieve his ends through sheer materialistic means, through the power that he thinks he commands from his wealth. It is at the death of Gatsby that Fitzgerald becomes formulistic and orthodox in his symbolism. The rejected and soon to be betrayed Gatsby stands alone under Daisy’s window, keeping a vain vigil over his shattered dream. The following afternoon, Gatsby, with the help of his chauffeur, fills his pneumatic mattress and starts for his swimming-pool. Shortly thereafter, the chauffeur hears the shots, fired by an â€Å"ashen fantastic figure† and Gatsby lies dead, a victim of his own absurd aspirations. The passion and crucifixion imagery is perhaps too unmistakable here; however, it does have its desired effect, because it casts Gatsby in the role of a rejected messianic figure through its Biblical illusion. He had come alive to us, â€Å"delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendour,† only to fail in his mission. Jay Gatsby’s eulogy is spoken by Owl Eyes. Gatsby was the bastard of a hedonistic age, spawned by it and killed by it. Nick, at one point, surmised: â€Å" his imagination had never really accepted†¦his parents at all. The sole monument to the world of Gatsby’s ministry is â€Å"that huge incoherent failure of a house† that he left behind. And his epitaph on this monument is an obscene word, scribbled in chalk, by some neighbourhood boy. As a prophet of the American dream, Gatsby fails – miserably – a victim of his own warped idealism and false set of values. The American dream is not to be reality, in that i t no longer exists, except in the minds of men like Gatsby, whom it destroys in their espousal and relentless pursuit of it. The American dream is, in reality, a nightmare. How to cite Great Gatsby, Essay examples Great Gatsby Free Essays Charles de Montesquieu says that â€Å"to become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them†. Throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby , protagonist Jay Gatsby progresses as a hero through his dedication for love, his youthful dreams, and his Christ-like persona. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now His passion for love reflects in his greatness; for he proves commitment, dedication, and a loving soul for others. Jay Gatsby lives the model of the American Dream in a youthful and undertaking way. Extravagance combined with dreams for success comes greatness. Gatsby also is considered a vision of Jesus Christ as the novel uses different biblical allusions to prove his greatness as a relatable leader. Jay Gatsby’s dedication and commitment for love makes him a hero, yet most of others fail to see his greatness. Gatsby dedicates his life to fulfilling his dream of his lost love Daisy Buchanan. He yearns for her love and â€Å"believes in the green light† across the bay (Fitzgerald 25). This is the first time narrator Nick Carraway begins to see Gatsby’s other side and realizes his desire for the one he truly loves. The green light embodies his vision of desire forcing Gatsby â€Å"to fashion a reality of his own to correspond to the dream† (Weinstein 8). He must accomplish his dream in his own way, working with the circumstances given at hand. Gatsby â€Å"stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him† (Fitzgerald 33). Gatsby is committed to her love and desires NOTHING more than her simple love. Daisy says to Gatsby, â€Å"We haven’t met for many years†. Gatsby quickly responds â€Å"Five years next November† (Fitzgerald 87). Gatsby knows the exact date of their last meeting, proving his dedication toward the building upon the relationship. â€Å"Gatsby [is] attracted to Daisy for purely idealistic, romantic, and even metaphysical reasons†; none of it is for money (Mellard 4). He loves Daisy for who she truly is and never gives up in his journey to pursue a mutual love. Gatsby is† profoundly kind, always seeing the best in people, or, what is better, seeing them as they see themselves† (Mellard 2). He reaches people down to their level even within his own greatness; even bringing out the best in others. Jay Gatsby devotes his life to love of others and the dedication of pursuing it. Jay Gatsby lives and thrives in his youth of being the American Dream. Simply put, Gatsy’s home is described as being â€Å"a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden (Fitzgerald 9)†. Gatsby’s lavish home is wanted by majority of Americans. Nick explains how his â€Å"eyes fell on Gatsby, standing alone on the marble steps and looking from one group to another with approving eyes† at his own luxurious, well-attended parties (Fitzgerald 50). Everyone attends Gatsby’s extravagant parties wether invited or not. He looks at all of his guests identically; with appeal. â€Å"Gatsby has a fabulous career and yet, is humble in himself†, for he is the image of the classic American Dream (Weinstein 5). Gatsby’s ability to be able to stay humble yet successful is heroic. Gatsby’s life is full of enchanted objects aspiring to be the youthful man of many dreams (Fitzgerald 93). Gatsby’s youth is found through his dreams of love and hope of life and happiness around him. Gatsby’s youth â€Å"leaves an impression of interminability† (Mellard 2). His dreams prolong as his youth stays forever. Gatsby is forever young. Simply said, â€Å"The Great Gatsby is the picture of the American Dream† (Weinstein 1). The American Dream is all about achieving greatness in a self-inflicted way like as Jay Gatsby. Gatsby would not be able to achieve such greatness without the core values of a humble leader whom dominates his own dreams of youth. The character of Gatsby has a religious entity that brings him closer to the vision of the Son of God. â€Å"The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end† (Fitzgerald 104). Gatsby is the â€Å"American Adam† throughout the novel. He acts as the biblical Adam while fulfilling the spot of the American dream. Gatsby is described as having â€Å"a heightened sensitivity to the promises of life† (Fitzgerald 6). Like the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he has promises for the coming life in order to live out his greatness apart from his own senses. Gatsby brings life to the others around him, bringing out the best in people, giving the rare smile of admiration; nevertheless he is the incarnating God (Mellard 12). Nick describes Gatsby when watching him upon first meeting as â€Å"he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling† (Fitzgerald 25-26). Jay Gatsby is like a â€Å"Christ-figure as a scapegoat† (Mellard 9). Similar to Jesus Christ, Jay Gatsby would place blame upon others on himself, for he desires nothing more than love. In conclusion, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby , protagonist Jay Gatsby progresses as a hero through his dedication for love, his youthful dreams, and his Christ-like persona. His passion for love reflects in his greatness; for he proves commitment, dedication, and a loving soul for others. Jay Gatsby lives the model of the American Dream in a youthful and undertaking way. Extravagance combined with dreams for success comes greatness. Gatsby also is considered a vision of Jesus Christ as the novel uses different biblical allusions to prove his greatness as a relatable leader. Jay Gatsby’s dedication and commitment for love makes him a hero, yet most of others fail to see his greatness. Jay Gatsby lives and thrives in his youth of being the American Dream. The character of Gatsby has a religious entity that brings him closer to the vision of the Son of God. His passion for love reflects in his greatness; for he proves commitment, dedication, and a loving soul for others. Jay Gatsby lives the model of the American Dream in a youthful and undertaking way. All in all Jay Gatsby proves his greatness well. How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers Great Gatsby Free Essays Throughout American history, the West has been seen as a land of promise and possibility—the very emblem of American ideals. Tom and Daisy, like other members of the upper class, have betrayed America’s democratic ideals by perpetuating a rigid class structure that excludes newcomers from its upper reaches, much like the feudal aristocracy that America had left behind. Valley of ashes: gray industrial dumping ground between west egg and NYC Tom: aristocrat East Egg represents the old aristocracy, West Egg the newly rich, the valley of ashes the moral and social decay of America, and New York City the uninhibited, amoral quest for money and pleasure. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now Additionally, the East is connected to the moral decay and social cynicism of New York, while the West (including Midwestern and northern areas such as Minnesota) is connected to more traditional social values and ideals. Modernism: * Emergence of capitalism (democracy+feudalism) * Industrial revolution Scientific thoughts (facts) vs religious beliefs(faith) * Mixing of cultures and classes which brought with it whole new ways of looking at the world and perceiving reality â€Å"Cant repeat the past? Why of course you can†: Gatsby wanted to relive the past and attempt to restructure it until it was perfection rather than accept what his past actually had been and for that matter accept his life as it was. Post WWI Devastation Ulysses-james joyce Past meets future Multiple voices/languages Fragmented cultures/fractures Civilization/collapse Modernism first took place in the Jazz age and/or the roaring twenties; this period was all about prohibition and intolerance, flappers, gangsters, and crime. In 1919, the Eighteenth Amendment made it illegal to manufacture or sell alcohol. This helped to create a network of criminal organization in the trade of illegal alcohol. Moreover, in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment gave the women the right to vote, which is what probably helped alter the traditional moral and social standards dramatically; women began to assert new freedoms What also makes the novel a modernist novel is the iconoclastic symbol of Dr. T. J. Eckleberg eyes and what it represents. It is known that in modernism God is dead and people are looking for something else to replace Him. In the novel, â€Å"Dr. T. J. Eckleburg is actually a billboard that represents God. Times were changing and God was not, people’s main concern in life anymore. â€Å"(Orme, 1999) Dr. Eckleburg’s billboard is clearly paralleled to God revealing Fitzgerald’s belief that America had a lack of morals and faith in God in the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is also a modernist novel because of its major team; loss of American dream. Modernism was characterised by a loss of everything people believed in. â€Å"Fitzgerald work is haunted by loss, a sense that something is lacking in most modern American lives. â€Å"(Annenberg media 97-05) The original James Gatz fallows his American dream to be an upper-class boy from a wealthy background. He has invented a new him, but also thrived in his self-made success. He was both financially and sociably successful. However, he realises soon that his dream turns into ashes when Daisy picks Tom over him. It is a story of a great loss, loss of a dream, of love, of illusions. The novel chronicles an era that Fitzgerald himself dubbed the â€Å"Jazz Age†. Following the shock and chaos of World War I, American society enjoyed unprecedented levels of prosperity during the â€Å"roaring† 1920s as the economy soared. At the same time, Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers and led to an increase in organized crime. Although Fitzgerald, like Nick Carraway in his novel, idolized the riches and glamor of the age, he was uncomfortable with the unrestrained materialism and the lack of morality that went with it. Discuss Gatsby’s character as Nick perceives him throughout the novel. What makes Gatsby â€Å"great†? In one sense, the title of the novel is ironic; the title character is neither â€Å"great† nor named Gatsby. He is a criminal whose real name is James Gatz, and the life he has created for himself is an illusion. By the same token, the title of the novel refers to the theatrical skill with which Gatsby makes this illusion seem real: the moniker â€Å"the Great Gatsby† suggests the sort of vaudeville billing that would have been given to an acrobat, an escape artist, or a magician. Nick is particularly taken with Gatsby and considers him a great figure. He sees both the extraordinary quality of hope that Gatsby possesses and his idealistic dream of loving Daisy in a perfect world. Though Nick recognizes Gatsby’s flaws the first time he meets him, he cannot help but admire Gatsby’s brilliant smile, his romantic idealization of Daisy, and his yearning for the future. The private Gatsby who stretches his arms out toward the green light on Daisy’s dock seems somehow more real than the vulgar, social Gatsby who wears a pink suit to his party and calls everyone â€Å"old sport. Nick alone among the novel’s characters recognizes that Gatsby’s love for Daisy has less to do with Daisy’s inner qualities than with Gatsby’s own. That is, Gatsby makes Daisy his dream because his heart demands a dream, not because Daisy truly deserves the passion that Gatsby feels for her. Further, Gatsby impresses Nick with his power to make his dreams come true—as a child he dreamed of wealth and luxury, and he has attained them, albeit through criminal means. As a man, he dreams of Daisy, and for a while he wins her, too. In a world without a moral center, in which attempting to fulfill one’s dreams is like rowing a boat against the current, Gatsby’s power to dream lifts him above the meaningless and amoral pleasure-seeking of New York society. In Nick’s view, Gatsby’s capacity to dream makes him â€Å"great† despite his flaws and eventual undoing. How does the geography of the novel dictate its themes and characters? What role does setting play in The Great Gatsby? Each of the four important geographical locations in the novel—West Egg, East Egg, the valley of ashes, and New York City—corresponds to a particular theme or type of character encountered in the story. West Egg is like Gatsby, full of garish extravagance, symbolizing the emergence of the new rich alongside the established aristocracy of the 1920s. East Egg is like the Buchanans, wealthy, possessing high social status, and powerful, symbolizing the old upper class that continued to dominate the American social landscape. The valley of ashes is like George Wilson, desolate, desperate, and utterly without hope, symbolizing the moral decay of American society hidden by the glittering surface of upper-class extravagance. New York City is simply chaos, an abundant swell of variety and life, associated with the â€Å"quality of distortion† that Nick perceives in the East. Setting is extremely important to The Great Gatsby, as it reinforces the themes and character traits that drive the novel’s critical events. Even the weather matches the flow of the plot. Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy begins in a ferocious thunderstorm and reaches its happiest moment just as the sun comes out. Tom’s confrontation with Gatsby occurs on the hottest day of the summer. Finally, Gatsby’s death occurs just as autumn creeps into the air. The specificity of the settings in The Great Gatsby contributes greatly to the creation of distinct zones in which the conflicting values of various characters are forced to confront each other. How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers Great Gatsby Free Essays Wide Awake and Dreaming Hanna Chait T. E. Lawrence stated â€Å"All men dream, but not equally. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby or any similar topic only for you Order Now Those who dream in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. † In The Great Gatsby, the central theme is realizing that creating your own dreams and living in your reality is extremely different. Myrtle dreamt of having money, yet knew Tom would never leave Daisy, Gatsby dreamt of being with the Daisy he created, but realized she had changed, and Daisy dreamt of being in love and being with Gatsby, but would NEVER leave Tom. Myrtle Wilson desires one thing in life, money. She lives in the valley of ashes, the desolate and barren land that lies between Long Island and New York. She wants nothing more than to become wealthy, leave the valley of ashes, leave her husband, and become a extravagant vapid housewife like she always dreamt of being. ‘I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,’ she said finally. ‘I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe’† Myrtle remarked of her relationship with George. She wanted so badly for him to be something else, someone with class. She wanted a perfect, wealthy man of high social standing. Myrtle discussed her wedding day to George, â€Å"The only crazy I was, was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in, and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out. Myrtle was embarrassed and almost disgraced about the fact that George didn’t get married in a suit he bought for himself. Myrtle said she knew right away she made a mistake, so the question was why did she go through with it in the first place? That’s why Myrtle has Tom though: he was her fulfillment, her fortune, though in reality they would never truly be together. Tom was with Daisy and that is how it was going to stay, Tom would never truly love a woman from the valley of ashes. This was known because of the elaborate lie Tom constructed about why he will never leave Daisy because she is a Catholic, when in fact she is not. Just as Myrtle was creating a false sense of her relationship with Tom, Gatsby was doing the same with Daisy. Jay Gatsby had a dream, his dream was of the Daisy he met and fell in love with five years ago. He dreamt of Daisy admitting that she never loved Tom, that way they would finally have been able to run off together to the life that he once knew. He dreamt of a future, the future he knew they were meant to have from the day he met her. He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you. After she had obliterated four years with that sentence they could decide upon the more practical measures to be taken. One of them was that, after she was free, they were to go back to Louisville and be married from her house – just as if it were five years ago. When Gatsby finally had Daisy he realized that there was no longer a dream, he had what he wanted. He soon finds himself asking has my dream changed, or has Daisy changed? Gatsby firs t noticed this when he had Daisy over, that she was no longer the whimsical 18-year-old Daisy Fay of Louisville, Kentucky that he once knew, that he grew to love. There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams–not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion The magnitude of this realization was that Daisy was not the same Daisy she once was five years ago she had changed. This hurt Gatsby, it woke him up from the fantasy he was living in and showed him that although the love remained the same the girl was no longer the same. Though Gatsby’s dream of Daisy had existed for the past five years, Daisy’s dream of being with Gatsby had only just been recognized, and she could not decide if it is something she truly wanted or if it was just something to make her happy. She had only just reconnected with Gatsby after five years, at a tea set up by Nick and Gatsby. As Daisy went to say goodbye to Gatsby at the end of the tea, she whispered something in his ear and Gatsby was filled with a rush of emotions. â€Å"As watched him he adjusted himself a little, visibly. His hand took hold of hers, and as she said something low in his ear he turned toward her with a rush of emotion† (103). This is where the reader begins to see a new Daisy, a Daisy that wanted to be with Gatsby, and had a general need to feel loved. Later on she was forced to identify what her true feelings were about Tom and Gatsby, she was told to state the claim that she never loved Tom, but she found herself only able to say that she no longer loves him, but she DID at one time love him. â€Å"’Oh, you want too much! ’ she cried to Gatsby. ‘I love you now — isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past. She began to sob helplessly. ‘I did love him once — but I loved you too. ’† Daisy proclaimed this to Gatsby, as he begged her to admit she never loved Tom, she then proceeded to ask Tom to take her home. Thus ending her dream and Gatsby’s, she wants to be with Gatsby and she wants to be loved, bu t she knows Tom is the life she is meant to have. Daisy loves her money and her place in society too much to actually feel loved; this is something that will never change. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald delves into a world of dreams and fantasies, as well as vast realizations of what life is really like. Myrtle wanted nothing more than to live in a society she feels she truly belongs in, and to be wealthy, but deep down as painstaking as it was to admit she knew she could never have Tom. Gatsby wanted to be with the Daisy he knew and loved five years ago, a dreamlike Daisy of 18 years of age, but the Daisy he meets once more has changed. Lastly Daisy wanted nothing but to be loved and be happy, but she knew she loved her money and life too much to let herself be happy. This is how The Great Gatsby shows us how dreams can hurt you much more than the realty you are living in. How to cite Great Gatsby, Papers